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Published byMarcia Dennis Modified over 9 years ago
Regional Assessment Network (RAN) Update Chun-Wu Li, Ph.D. Assessment and Accountability Services Division of Educational Services July 31, 2015
Accountability Update (See RAN Accountability Update) 2
2015 AYP Reporting In June, accountability coordinators were informed of two federal accountability workbook amendments approved by the U.S. Department of Education (ED): 1.California’s one-year waiver request to not use Smarter Balanced Assessment results to make AYP determinations: PI determinations will be based only on the participation rate and the additional indicator (attendance rate and/or graduation rate). As a result, a school that meets the participation rate and their additional indicator(s) will make AYP for 2015. Elementary and middle schools that made AYP in 2013 and 2015 will exit PI. High schools that made AYP in 2014 and 2015 will exit PI. 2.The use of the grade eleven Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments instead of the grade ten California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) 3
2015 AYP Reporting (continued) The CDE and the SBE are continuing conversations with the ED on the remaining accountability workbook amendments, i.e., displaying the percent proficient on the AYP reports and the inclusion of the California Alternate Assessment in the calculation of the participation rate. Once a final decision has been reached on these amendments, the CDE will send another notification informing accountability coordinators on all changes impacting the 2015 AYP. 4
School Attendance Data Collection At the January 2015 State Board of Education (SBE) meeting, the SBE approved the use of attendance rates as the additional indicator in the 2015 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) determinations for elementary and middle grades. Traditionally, the Academic Performance Index (API) was used as the additional indicator for making AYP determinations. The SBE will be making a decision on the attendance rate target at the September 2015 SBE meeting. For the September 2015 SBE meeting, the CDE will recommend a target, which will be based on research that would support the recommended target. Any LEA or school that does not submit attendance data will not meet the attendance rate criteria and will not make AYP. As a result, the LEA/school may advance in Program Improvement (PI). 5
Preliminary 2014–15 Title III Accountability Data On July 14, accountability and Title III coordinators were sent an e-mail informing them that the preliminary 2014–15 Title III Accountability data were posted on the CDE Web site. The data include the number and percentage of students who met annual measurable achievement objectives (AMOs) 1 and 2. The complete 2014–15 Title III Accountability report, including AMAO 3, will be released in fall 2015. 6
Data File Containing LTELs and At-Risk of Becoming LTELs (At-Risk) During the first week of August, LEAs will be receiving a file identifying LTELs and At-Risk students. While it is anticipated that Senate Bill (SB) 750, which revises the definition of LTEL, will pass, the file will identify LTELs and At-Risk students using the current definition in Education Code (EC) Section 313.1. The definitions are as follows: Long-term English learners are defined as students who are: ELs in grades 6–12; and Enrolled in U.S. school for more than six years; and At the same Proficiency level on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) for two or more consecutive years, or successor test. Note that CST results will not be used as part of the criteria. Students who are at-risk of becoming an LTEL are: ELs in grades 5–11; and Enrolled in a U.S. school for four years; and Scored at the “Intermediate” level or below on the CELDT, or successor test. To identify the LTELs and At-Risk students, the CDE will be extracting the October 2014 CALPADS enrollment data and matching it to the 2012–13 and 2013–14 CELDT results. 8
School Accountability Report Card (SARC) At the July 2015 SBE meeting, the SBE approved the 2014–15 SARC template. A new SARC listserv has been developed and three LEAs (Elk Grove Unified, Los Angeles Unified, and San Francisco Unified) began testing the system and will provide feedback by July 24. Once testing has completed, all superintendents and direct-funded charter administrators will initially be assigned as the SARC listserv administrator. The SARC administrator will have the option of assigning two staff to be the SARC listserv manager who will be able to assign the user to a secure SARC listserv. Further details are forthcoming. 9
Average Class Size and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Reports At the end of July, the average class size report will be available through DataQuest. A new selection feature, “self-contained class,” will be accessible within this report. This report will display average class size data, for self-contained classes, by grade levels. In addition to the new self-contained class feature, DataQuest will also have a new TK report (for 2013– 14) that the viewer will be able to select through the “Enrollment” category. This report will display enrollment by kindergarten, TK, and TK cumulative. 10
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress System (CAASPP) 11
California Alternate Assessment (CAA) 12
CAA CAA blueprints have been designed for ELA and math: v. 2015-16 (21 ‘router’ items, 7 at each level-easy, mid, high. Tier 2 = 6 items at level determined by initial ‘router’) and v. 2016-17 (9 ‘router’ items, 3 at each level-easy, mid, high. Tier 2 = 16 items at level determined by initial ‘router’). For 2017-18, considering a 3 rd Tier router system. April 11–June 20, 2016 is the fixed 2015-16 testing window for CAA. 2015-16 CAA training scheduled for Jan 2016 Achievement Level Descriptors to SBE in March 2016 Standards Setting scheduled summer 2016 Cut Scores to SBE September 2016 Student reports for 2015-16 scores will not be published until after September SBE meeting. If NCSC items are not available by August 1, 2015, all CAA items will be from the ETS test bank. 13
NGSS Assessment Pilot Test in 2017 Field Test in 2018 (waiver request to not double test will be sent to ED) Operational Test in 2019 Three grades will be assessed. One for each grade span (3-5, 6-9, 10-12) The three grade levels have not been selected yet Not scheduled to be adaptive under the current contract that expires in 2018 Will include a Performance Task and need some hand scoring. 14
Emergency CAASPP Regulations Emergency CAASPP regulations will come out in September Flexibility for testing window Moving Apportionment dates to December 31 (Grade 2 Diagnostic Assessment is still on the Apportionment Reimbursement list) Universal Tools and Designated Supports are more in alignment with Smarter Balanced Adding a section defining “eligible student” Adding a section on “appeals” 15
SBAC (See RAN Smarter Balanced Update) 16
Planned CAASPP System Downtimes August 1–9: The following CAASPP systems are not available: Test Administrator (TA) Interface; Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (IAHSS); Appeals System August 1-6: Online Reporting System (ORS) results are viewable but static as of July 31 August 7–9: ORS is not available 17
New Web Resources New Web Resources Student Score Report Video in Spanish has been posted to the CDE CAASPP Individual Score Reports Web page at CDE is posting an optional parent/guardian student score report letter to the CDE CAASPP Web page at ecovltr.doc ecovltr.doc CDE has posted the Smarter Balanced Scale Score Ranges by Content Area and Grade to the CDE CAASPP Individual Score Reports Web page at 18
Summative Assessments Reporting Late July 2015—Shipping of Student Score Reports to local educational agencies (LEAs). July 31, 2015—Testing is finished for the 2014–15 CAASPP administration. August 1–9, 2015—The test delivery system—Test Administrator Interface, Interim and Summative Assessments, the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System (IAHSS)—is not available. August 1–6, 2015—The Online Reporting System (ORS) is available in view-only mode, which means that new scores will not be visible until August 10. New users created during this period will not have access to ORS. August 7–9, 2015—The ORS is not available. Please note that these dates are slightly different from what was communicated previously in the e-mail announcement sent on July 6 regarding system downtime. August 10, 2015—Interim Assessments are open for 2015–16 administration; student responses for the 2014–15 administration will have been removed from the IAHSS. Mid-August 2015—LEA student data files are available for download from the Test Operations Management System (TOMS). Late August 2015—State release of 2015 test results; more information will follow after the exact date has been determined. September 15, 2015—This is the last day to enter Student Condition Codes for the 2014–15 administration. Mid-September 2015—LEA Superintendents receive notification that the 2015–16 Superintendent Designation of LEA CAASPP Coordinator Forms are available. 19
Interim Assessments Interim assessment results from the 2014–15 school year will remain available in the IA Reporting System until further notice. August 10: Interim Assessments open for the 2015–16 school year For the 2015–16 school year, the following opportunities are available for students taking the interim assessments: Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) – 3 opportunities Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) – unlimited opportunities All interim assessments will be available to all students For the 2015–16 school year, interim assessments will not be adaptive. In addition, no new content is scheduled to be added. 20
Digital Library New! In June 2015, Smarter Balanced launched a redesigned landing page and other enhancements to the Digital Library. Formative Assessment Insights Course (September 2015 – February 2016): For immediate questions contact Jennifer Houle: (See RAN Formative Assessment Update) New resource! Digital Library training video titled “Exploring the Smarter Balanced Digital Library” now available on the CDE Digital Library Web page at This 29-minute video is divided into three segments: Overview of the formative assessment process Logging into and navigating the Digital Library Cross-state collaboration features 21
Parent Op-out CDE was clear that the sample OPT OUT letter on their website, was not meant to fulfill an LEAs obligation to notify their parents about their right to opt out of the summative state assessments. Best practice suggested by CDE staff was to include the opt out information in your LEA’s parent handbook. CDE did not provide a template, is not obligated to provide a template, and is not likely to do so in the future. LEAs have until September 15 to update special condition codes. Special condition codes include parental exemptions and medical emergencies. The CDE also suggested LEAs to consider removing the hard copies of reports for students who opted out from testing to be mailed out. They felt a blank report or one that said “no scores available” could confuse a parent, who had opted their child out of testing. 22
CELDT and ELPAC Update (See RAN ELPA Update) 23
CELDT Local educational agencies (LEAs) were provided with a preview of the 2014–15 annual assessment data (AA) data from July 6–10, 2015 The 2014–15 AA data will be released to the public on DataQuest in summer 2015 The CELDT contractor will print and ship AA Window paper summary reports (Performance Level Summary Report and Roster Report) to LEAs approximately August 1–September 1, 2015 Important Dates in 2015 July 1: CELDT 2015–16 AA and Initial Assessment windows opened October 31: 2015–16 CELDT AA Window closes 24
ELPAC Educational Testing Service is the successful ELPAC contractor. The CELDT will continue to be administered until the ELPAC becomes operational. The CDE will present the ELPAC regulations to the State Board of Education for approval to commence the rulemaking process in November 2015. ELPAC will be piloted in 2015-16 with support from the Sacramento County Office of Education. CDE is working with ED on the operational date for the new assessment: 2016-17 is what ED wants; CDE is proposing 2017-18. In late September, the draft blueprints will be taken to the ELPAC advisory group. The current plan is to develop 2,000 items. 25
CAHSEE Update and Discussion 26
SB 172 This bill would suspend the administration of the high school exit examination and would remove the high school exit examination as a condition of receiving a diploma of graduation or a condition of graduation from high school for each pupil completing grade 12, for the 2016–17, 2017–18, and 2018–19 school years, or when the approved high school exit examination is no longer available. 2014– 15, 2015–16, 2016–17, and 2017–18 school years. CDE is working on a letter to LEAs regarding potential scenarios if the SB 172 passes/does not pass. The letter will be come out shortly from the CAHSEE office. If needed, the next CAHSEE would be ready for administration in November. 27
CALPADS Update 28
CALPADS Assessment Data CAHSEE/STAR/CELDT reports will roll out in September Plan to add SBAC reports in October or after the finalized score reports are submitted by ETS LEAs will have the opportunity to update demographic data prior to posting on Dataquest & CALPADS Reporting Modules CALPADS is in conversation with ETS regarding aligning the names of the fields displayed in TOMS with the field names in CALPADS and reducing the amount of demographic data on the student profile page Maintain the Mailing Address in CALPADS (as opposed to the Residential Address) Check on Anomaly Report for multiple SSID students Working to streamline the 48-hour turn around upload process 29
New CALPADS Data Collection CALPADS is planning to collect attendance data in 2016-17 CTE course completion and pathway data is already collected CALPADS will refine their CTE validations to include the completing of the capstone course with a grade of C or better CTE data is currently collected according to Perkins rules. Collection rules may change to reflect LCAP Accountability Add CASEMIS data into CALPADS, starting with discipline data New reports will align with new federal and state accountability requirements and also reflect LCAP metrics 30
Important Assessment/Accountability Dates 31
2015-2016 RCAN Meeting Dates July 31, 2015 September 18, 2015 October 23, 2015 November 20, 2015 January 29, 2016 March 18, 2016 April 29, 2016 May 27, 2016 32
Additional Assessment/Accountability Related Meeting Dates ETS In-Person Workshops at RCOE 2015 CAASPP Summer Scoring Training Workshop: 08/17/2015 Digital Library and Interim Assessment Clinics: 09/28/2015 2015 CAASPP Interim Scoring Workshop: 10/26/2015 2015 Assessment and Accountability Information Meetings North: 10/05/2015-Sacramento, CA South: 09/29/2015-Ontario, CA NOTES: District Coordinators will be provided an early opportunity to register two weeks prior to general registration via a password. Further information will be coming out at the beginning of August. CAASPP 2-Day Institute 11/09/2015-11/10/2015 - Corona Norco Unified School District California Educational Research Association (CERA) Conference 12/02/2015-12/04/2015 – Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, CA 33
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