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X y Response of an LTI system to a periodic input.

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Presentation on theme: "X y Response of an LTI system to a periodic input."— Presentation transcript:

1 x y Response of an LTI system to a periodic input.

2 H(s) Multiply magnitudes, add phases. n 0123-2-3 n 0123-2-3 Attenuate higher frequencies: “lowpass filter”.

3 Back to rectifier example AC y=|x| DC + Idea: add a lowpass filter in cascade to attenuate the AC components, and get a “purer” DC source.

4 y=|x| + H(s) + Rectifier plus filter


6 What does z(t) look like?

7 Mean square approximation

8 Extension to Fourier



11 Example: Square Wave


13 Convergence in mean square

14 Mean square convergence for the square wave

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