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My Digital Footprint Darrion Payne September 23, 2015.

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1 My Digital Footprint Darrion Payne September 23, 2015

2 How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

3 It affects you because if you are applying for a job the employer is going to google your name and find information about your life (positive and negative things). If they see evidence of positive achievements then you will be hired.

4 Example: NBA – Scouts are looking for talent. They want the best people on their team but if your digital footprint is not to their liking, the scouts are not going to scout you. For example, pictures or other information that is not appropriate (ex: parties and drinking) will change their impression of you. Some positive information could be successes and helping out in the community.

5 Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

6 1.Create rules for how you are going to conduct your digital footprint. Example – don’t take pictures that are not appropriate (parties and pictures of other people behaving badly).

7 Only follow people you know on websites like Instagram and facebook. You also need to create boundaries for people that follow you. For example, you can block someone on Facebook or unfollow someone on Instagram that is being disrespectful.

8 Never share your password with anyone.

9 What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

10 Life is too short to make bad decisions. Make the best out of your life. You only live once. Keep your digital footprint safe. I will pass these messages on to other people so they don’t follow a path that they are not supposed to take.

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