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Embrace the Topic The argument essay requires you to... ① Analyze = break sources down into their parts ② Synthesize = put together parts from at least.

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Presentation on theme: "Embrace the Topic The argument essay requires you to... ① Analyze = break sources down into their parts ② Synthesize = put together parts from at least."— Presentation transcript:



3 Embrace the Topic

4 The argument essay requires you to... ① Analyze = break sources down into their parts ② Synthesize = put together parts from at least three sources in a new way to support your claim, argument, and counterargument

5 How is this done? The Writer Will…  Use quotes or phrases to extract key information.  Demonstrate understanding in using the selected quotes or phrases.  Use the quotes to support his/her opinion/position.  Cite sources because a writer NEVER wants to plagiarize.

6 Take a Stand  Once this question is answered…  R EMEMBER YOUR AUDIENCE  T HINK THROUGH YOUR ARGUMENT  W HAT ARE POSSIBLE OBJECTIONS Choose your side!

7 Reading the Prompt…  Read, think, read, think  Read and Annotate the Four Sources  Identify Your Sources as Pro or Con  Take some time to decide your position—you may not choose the side that first appeals to you  Create a strong claim  Don’t forget to consider the thoughts and position of the opposing side

8 So, how do I do it?  Draw on 3 or more sources.  Use different phrases and sentences to support a central idea - use these as your quotes. Only 1 text -- You FAIL! 3 or more texts -- You PASS!


10 Classical Argumentative Scheme  Part 1: Introductory Paragraph -catch interest -present the issue or topic with concrete image or anecdote -provide any relevant background information -define pertinent terms -state claim

11 Classical Argumentative Scheme Con’t.  Part 2: Concession and Refutation -ignoring the other side will lose you points -perhaps find weaknesses within the opposing reasons, facts, testimonies, etc. -“yes,” is the concession; “but” is the refutation -you must demonstrate that your claims are more valid -Concede or refute at the beginning of the first body paragraph (see sample)

12 Classical Argumentative Scheme Con’t.  Part 3: Confirmation Paragraphs -the most important and longest section of the argument -provides the reasons and the evidence of a writer’s claim -shows the logical development of the argument -This section MUST include sources! - Be sure to give 2-3 sentences of explanation for each source you select - Refer to sources as Text 1, Text 2, etc.

13 Classical Argumentative Scheme Con’t.  Part 4: Concluding Paragraph -wrap up the argument -restate the claim -provide a new appeal to needs or values -enrich with additional commentary -voice a final plea for readers to take action or to change thinking -refrain from repeating any information

14 Support Must Defend Position  Logical reasons, examples, facts and details FROM AT LEAST 3 SOURCES  Not biased on unsubstantiated opinions  Be respectful when acknowledging opposing viewpoints

15 Tidbits  Remember your audience  Neatness counts  Indent your paragraphs  Be brilliant in your first paragraph  If possible, choose the least probable side  Budget your time


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