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THE MASSES ARE GETTING RESTLESS: Growing Discontent in British North America.

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1 THE MASSES ARE GETTING RESTLESS: Growing Discontent in British North America

2 POLITICAL PROBLEMS In Lower Canada the conflict rose between the “Chateau Clique” and the Parti Patriote (led by Papineau). 1. Chateau Clique (English) - British administrators & rich businessmen (Molson, McGill) - controlled Executive & Legislative Councils WANTED: Laws promoting business Construction of canals, railways French assimilation / Union with Upper Canada Tax on property

3 POLITICAL PROBLEMS (cont’d) 2. Parti Patriote (mostly French) - Canadien professionals supported by the people - controlled Legislative Assembly - Led by Louis Joseph Papineau WANTED: Avoid expenses favoring the English Retain seigneurial system and French civil law Protect French culture *Responsible Government* Taxes on business & trade to pay for roads RADICAL WING OF THE PARTI PATRIOTE FELT THAT VIOLENCE MAY BE NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE JUSTICE.

4 Louis Joseph Papineau

5 OTHER SOURCES OF DISCONTENT Series of poor harvests created famine, misery. By 1830, more than half of the seigneuries were in the hands of English-speaking lords who had bought & traded their way into positions of power (i.e. Chateau Clique). Government wouldn’t grant new ones. British immigrants competing for jobs and land. British used violence to deal with political demonstrations.

6 1834 – The 92 Resolutions The Patriotes issued a document listing their complaints and demands:  Members of Leg. Council to be elected or selected from Assembly (and therefore responsible to the people).  Ministers who were responsible to the Assembly.  Control of public spending by Assembly.  Appt. of francophones to administrative posts.

7 The Russell Report: A big NO In 1837, Lord John Russell the British minister for colonial affairs turned down most of these requests. Russell even allowed the Governer to take $$$ from the Legislative Assembly’s subsidies… this gave them less power. After 3 years, the Patriotes had the door slammed in their faces. The answer, according to some Radical Patriotes, would be WAR.

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