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Decision-making aspects in weather forecasting Training towards expertise NOMEK FMI, Helsinki May 12 th 2011 Erik Hagemark.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision-making aspects in weather forecasting Training towards expertise NOMEK FMI, Helsinki May 12 th 2011 Erik Hagemark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision-making aspects in weather forecasting Training towards expertise NOMEK FMI, Helsinki May 12 th 2011 Erik Hagemark


3 Is decision-making important?

4 Courtesy Magnus Ovhed

5 What is heuristics? A short-cut to assess the likelihood of an event. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974)‏ INTUITION EXPERIENCE

6 What characteristics does an expert weather forecaster have?

7 Meteorologisk institutt Presentation outline - Crash course in cognitive psychology - Studies of weather forecasters - Exercises

8 Competence vs expertise Competence ability to produce and deliver weather forecasts Involves basic analytical and meteorological skills Expertise Fluent, flexible Intuitive ‏ Involves cognitive skills

9 Forecaster dependencies Cognitive ”tools” Science (predictability)‏ Data and workstation

10 Game show - choose a door 123

11 Which is a more likely cause of death in the USA: – Falling airplane parts – Shark attacks From Plous (question #7)‏

12 What alternative seems most likely to occur within the next ten years: – All-out nuclear war between the USA and Russia – All-out nuclear war between the USA and Russia in which neither country intends to use nuclear weapons, but both sides are drawn in by the actions of a third country such as Libya or Pakistan. From Plous (question #11)‏

13 Meteorologisk institutt Heuristics in Doswell (WF, dec 2004) ‏ Personal Analysis vs intuition Biases Contradictions

14 Name some cognitive skills

15 Noticing patterns Seeking information Meaning making Visual Representation Metacognitive processes

16 Meteorologisk institutt Heuristics Two types considered: Representativeness –Weather pattern recognition Availability –Use our memory to assess likelihood of a particular event

17 Other heuristics Anchoring and adjustment Group decision Hindsight bias –”I knew it all along…”

18 Cognitive psychologists Pliske, Crandall and Klein: 5 levels of competence –novice –advanced beginner –competent –proficient –expert

19 What differences are there between experts and novices

20 Cognitive psychologists Pliske, Crandall and Klein (cont'd): Characteristics of the expert forecaster –Form a mental model prior to looking at NWP –Mental representation of underlying dynamics of the weather situation

21 Hahn, Rall and Klinger: What decisions stood out as expert decisions: – Identifying the Big One – Recognizing severity and issuing warnings – Explicit information to the public (wording) ‏ Cognitive psychologists

22 Hahn, Rall and Klinger (cont.): Recommendations –Technology must synchronize with the decision-making process of forecasters –Understand factors that make experts stand out and train others to this –Teamwork (colleagues as «sounding boards») ‏ Cognitive psychologists

23 Suggest and discuss training activities that promote expertise

24 Meteorologisk institutt Thank you! ”There is no right way to make decisions” - Pliske ”Decision making is heavily dependent on time and mood.” - Plous

25 Meteorologisk institutt Recommendations for training Social psychology research –Second guessing – what could go wrong? –Discuss with colleagues Difficult decisions –Ian Bell – Hand-out Eumetcal WS 2008 –Hahn et al - cognitive task analysis

26 Meteorologisk institutt A word on feedback Vital to improve performance Project Phoenix is a good example on how this can be done operationally Environment: Opportunity to learn Self: Open to critics

27 Meteorologisk institutt Project Phoenix SKILL Forecaster NWP Limit of predictability Better Data Understanding the Science Technology/Tools Techniques Decision Making TIME David Ball, MSC. Eumetcal NWP 2007

28 Meteorologisk institutt Leonard Snellman, 1977

29 Meteorologisk institutt Bulletin of the AMS (BAMS) ‏ BAMS, Dec 2007 BAMS, Nov 2006

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