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Regional Conference on School Librarianship: Directions for the Future of School Libraries April 26-27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Conference on School Librarianship: Directions for the Future of School Libraries April 26-27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Conference on School Librarianship: Directions for the Future of School Libraries April 26-27, 2012

2 Background One of the thrusts of the Ateneo de Manila University is nation building. The Rizal Library believes that one of the strategies to achieve this goal is helping build, develop and enhance school and public libraries. Thus it regularly donates used and new books, computers, software, shelves and other furniture to needy libraries in partnership with other organizations.

3 Objective of the Paper This paper is a report on joint school and public library where the Rizal library played a major role on its establishment and maintenance. This library is the St. Ignatius Library in San Isidro Nueva Ecija

4 Rationale The Rizal Library believes that access to information will broaden the horizons and empower the individual and the community. It also believes in proving access to information outside the four walls of the library.

5 The St. Ignatius Library

6 St. Ignatius Library The joint public and school library is located inside the school compound and is open to the students and the general public. The community it serves is composed of students, teachers, farmers. OFWs, health workers, etc. It was built by the community and provides services that the community wanted.

7 St Ignatius Library


9 Services The library provides: access to reading materials access to the Internet Assistance to users in looking for jobs, using the Internet, learning more about their business, Reading lessons for non-readers A venue for training housewives on health and other issues


11 Role of the Rizal Library Assisted in the Cataloguing Trained the Staff Provided books, Furniture, software And hardware

12 Role of the Local Government The local government through the Mayor of San Isidro provided the funds for the: Salaries of the staff of the library Supplies and materials Utilities maintenance

13 Role of the School It provided the lot to build the library It provided trainors for internet and computer trouble shooting It encouraged its students to use the resources of the library

14 Role of other partners Provided construction materials Provided information resources Provided computers and access to the Internet Provided technical expertise in the construction of the building

15 Accomplishments The St Ignatius Library was able to provide service to different groups of users. It helped overcome social inequality in accessing information because everyone was welcome and services were free. The Home-school relations was strengthened because the parents of the students were able to use the library in the school. Students and parents were learning together.

16 Problem For two years the St. Ignatius library was operating well. The users were happy with their new library and access to the Internet. It was recognized as one of the outstanding libraries in the province of Nueva Ecija. After the local elections however, everything changed. The mayor replaced the staff with political appointees and soon after closed the library to the public.

17 Solution With the help of DepEd management of the library was transferred to the school. The old services to the community was restored with the help of teachers of the school

18 Lessons learned The community can help build the library so that they feel a sense of ownership for the library The collection should be relevant to the potential users of the community. The LGU cannot be depended upon to manage and maintain the library because of changes in leadership

19 Lessons Learned The school library can be opened to the public so that more people can benefit A joint public and school library is best managed by the school.

20 Thank You! Lourdes T. David Director Rizal Library Ateneo de Manila University

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