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English II/English II Honors—October 30, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is your favorite movie monologue? Why? My favorite is from a movie called Anna and the.

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Presentation on theme: "English II/English II Honors—October 30, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is your favorite movie monologue? Why? My favorite is from a movie called Anna and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II/English II Honors—October 30, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is your favorite movie monologue? Why? My favorite is from a movie called Anna and the King. Anna, the main character, defends her decision to purchase a slave and set her free. Homework: – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59 – Monologue final performance is Monday.

2 Unit 4 Embedded Assessment 1 Your assignment is to research, analyze, and present an oral interpretation of a monologue. Your monologue must be from a work of literature (book or play). You will need to use vocal and visual delivery to convey a complex character’s voice. You will write a sketch of the character you are portraying. You will also evaluate your own and other students’ performances and write a reflection on your oral interpretation of Literature.

3 Unit 4 Embedded Assessment #1—Perform a Monologue Presenting an Oral Interpretation of Literature The performer provides a thorough written explanation of steps taken to plan the interpretation. The performer writes a reflection that accurately evaluates strengths and weaknesses of the performance. The performer includes an insightful analysis of what has been learned about characterization and oral interpretation. The performer selects a passage of strong literary merit that conveys a complex character. The performer introduces the oral interpretation in an engaging manner. The performer provides well-researched information to place the passage in the context of the work. The performer uses effective vocal and visual delivery strategies to orally interpret a text. The performer engages the audience with eye contact, rarely referring to notes. The performer demonstrates active listening by taking detailed notes and responding thoughtfully to other performances.

4 Final Monologue Performance Checklist Character Sketch (with Monologue sheet or SOAPStone attached) Introduction for your monologue (this can be written down, but you must say it) Actual performance—at least one minute; evidence of advanced preparation; vocal and visual delivery to enhance performance. Performance Reflections—this will be completed during performances Performance Reflection—to be completed after performance

5 Tools of the performer of an oral interpretation: VOCAL DELIVERY: – Tone, pitch, volume, pause, articulation, pronunciation – Oral interpretations rely on the performer’s voice and delivery of words to present a text to an audience and therefore, require close study, marking the text, and even memorization. VISUAL DELIVERY: – Oral interpretations rely on the gestures and movement of the performer, and therefore require the performer to understand the character’s motivations.

6 Complex Characters Grading papers Exercising Reading a book Attending a game Going to dinner Taking a nap A complex character is one who has conflicting motivations. For example, I want to attend my child’s football game because I want to be a good parent, but I have a stack of papers to grade and want to do my job well, and I know I should get more sleep and exercise to stay healthy.

7 Monologue Assignment Write an introduction to your chosen movie monologue (include title, author, context, and SMELL). Write a character sketch. On your monologue make specific notes for delivery (pauses, pacing, pitch, volume, etc.) Rehearse your monologue. Practice the monologue tonight, and prepare to deliver the monologue to your group tomorrow as final practice.

8 Performance Feedback Group Member NameVisual Delivery (Gestures, Facial Expressions, Movement) Vocal Delivery (volume, pace, pitch, etc.)

9 Performance Reflection What steps did you take to help understand the text and plan your delivery? What were the strengths and challenges of your overall performance? What did you learn about oral interpretation and characterization from your own and your peer’s performances?

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