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PRE AP AGENDA 2/8/16 KLEINISD.NET/CAMPUSES/DOERRE/TEACHERS/SCIENCE/PGREEN  Warm-Up:  Explain how Moh’s Hardness scale works  Class Work:  Turn in Rock.

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Presentation on theme: "PRE AP AGENDA 2/8/16 KLEINISD.NET/CAMPUSES/DOERRE/TEACHERS/SCIENCE/PGREEN  Warm-Up:  Explain how Moh’s Hardness scale works  Class Work:  Turn in Rock."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRE AP AGENDA 2/8/16 KLEINISD.NET/CAMPUSES/DOERRE/TEACHERS/SCIENCE/PGREEN  Warm-Up:  Explain how Moh’s Hardness scale works  Class Work:  Turn in Rock Cycle Hand-out  Correct Rock Formation chart  Minerals Lab  HW:  Study for Week 24 CCA: Density, Classifying rocks and minerals, Layers of Earth, Elements on Earth (with %)

2  Warm-up:  What are the % of N and O in Earth’s Atmosphere?  Class Work:  Mineral Lab  Assign Week 24 CCA test review  HW:  Complete Week 24 CCA test review– on a separate sheet of paper  Study for Week 24 CCA: Density, Classifying rocks and minerals, Layers of Earth, Elements on Earth ( with %) – Test Thursday 2/11/16

3 PRE AP AGENDA 2/10/16 KLEINISD.NET/CAMPUSES/DOERRE/TEACHERS/SCIENCE/PGREEN  Warm-up:  Write the headings Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary in your journal and then put the words on the board under the correct heading  Class Work:  Correct Week 24 CCA  Assign Rocks and Minerals sheet – due tomorrow  HW:  Study for Week 24 CCA – test tomorrow  Complete Rocks and Minerals Sheet – due tomorrow

4  Warm-up:  Study Silently for Week 24 CCA  Class Work:  Turn in Week 24 CCA Test Review  Week 24 CCA – answer on test, scan-tron and answer sheet  Define Vocab p 283 of Textbook onto index cards or in journal  Homework:  Make flash cards from vocab and study

5  Warm-up:  Class Work:  HW: 

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