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Holocaust Educational Trust Liberation Activity Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Holocaust Educational Trust Liberation Activity Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holocaust Educational Trust Liberation Activity Date

2 Word Association – Activity 1  Work in pairs  Take it in turn to come up with as many words as possible that you associate with the word ‘Liberation’


4 Human Timeline - Activity 2  Each pair has a card that gives information about Zigi’s life after the Holocaust.  You need to sort the cards into a human timeline.

5 What did Liberation mean to Zigi? - Activity 3  Use the information from the cards to answer the questions on the worksheet  Remember to include as much detail as possible in your answers

6 What can we learn from Zigi’s story?  What can we learn from Zigi’s story about what it was like to be liberated?  What does Zigi’s story tell us about what it was like to be a survivor in Britain?  What does Zigi’s story tell us about what it is like to be a refugee and the challenges of moving to a new country?

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