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SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN LATER LIFE Understanding the dynamics when working with and advocating for older adult survivors of sexual abuse.

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Presentation on theme: "SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN LATER LIFE Understanding the dynamics when working with and advocating for older adult survivors of sexual abuse."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN LATER LIFE Understanding the dynamics when working with and advocating for older adult survivors of sexual abuse

2 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life OPENING EXERCISE

3 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life PREVALENCE

4 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life HOW DOES SEXUAL VIOLENCE LOOK DIFFERENT FOR AN OLDER SURVIVOR? 4

5 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life TYPES OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE Contact offenses Rape; molestation; sexual kissing Non-contact offenses Sexual harassment; threats; forced pornography; exhibitionism; humiliation Additional forms of violence Unnecessary touching not prescribed

6 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life WHAT TO LOOK FOR

7 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life SYMPTOMS/SIGNS Physical injuries Psychosocial trauma responses Perpetrator signs Sharing a bed Wife as “property”

8 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life COMMON TYPES OF PERPETRATION

9 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life INTIMATE PARTNER SEXUAL VIOLENCE Vulnerability to ongoing victimization Conflict with belief systems May want to maintain relationship

10 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life INCEST Adult sons Barriers to reporting May want to maintain relationship

11 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life OTHER RELATIVE OR CAREGIVER Manipulation Purposefully seek out employment

12 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life RESIDENT OFFENDERS Can be staff or other resident Vulnerability to ongoing victimization Barriers to disclosing/reporting

13 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS

14 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life AGING ISSUES Many physical changes Sustain injuries much more easily Changes in brain function Slower to heal from injuries Increased dependence on others

15 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life GENERATIONAL THINKING Change in culture and society Social stigmas Unaware of services

16 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life BARRIERS TO REPORTING

17 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life BARRIERS TO REPORTING Shame & myths around sexual violence in later life Cognitive disabilities Not believing survivors Abusers may purposefully isolate Lack of education for health care professionals Male survivors

18 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life ADVOCACY

19 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life CHECKING PRIVILEGE

20 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life RESPECT CULTURAL/RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS

21 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life RELATIONSHIP WITH ABUSER

22 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life FOCUS ON SAFETY

23 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life ACCESSIBILITY

24 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life VARIETY OF AGES

25 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life MANDATORY REPORTING

26 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training – Sexual Violence in Later Life QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?

27 Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Training - Sexual Violence in Later Life REFERENCES Ramsey-Klawsnik, H. (2010) Sexual Violence in Later Life: A Technical Assistance Guide for Advocates. National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Retrieved from _SVlaterlife_Guide.pdf _SVlaterlife_Guide.pdf (2013) Working with Victims of Abuse in Later Life. National Clearing House on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL). Retrieved from %20Working%20with%20Victims-HTMLfinal.pdf %20Working%20with%20Victims-HTMLfinal.pdf

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