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Sergey Belov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Status of the LCG Monte Carlo Data Base(MCDB)

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Presentation on theme: "Sergey Belov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Status of the LCG Monte Carlo Data Base(MCDB)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sergey Belov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia Status of the LCG Monte Carlo Data Base(MCDB)

2 Outline ► Main goals of MCDB project ► Problems to solve ► Current status ► Future plans ► Demonstration

3 Main goals of MCDB project ► Provide public access for LHC community (and other physicists) to reliable MC event files (samples) and the comprehensive sample descriptions (articles) ► Flexible search abilities by numerous article parameters ► Rapid communication between users and generators experts

4 Problems to solve Users’ area: ► Search engine ► Representation of requested information on the Web ► MCDB Web site: convinient browsing ► Interface for posting comments on articles Authors’ area: ► Interfaces for article creation/editing ► Interface for answering to users’ comments Administrative area: ► articles and user management ► physics category management ► moderation of comments to articles Other subsystems: ► Application programming interface for experiments software ► Reliable downloading/uploading of event files from/to a data storage (hard drive, CASTOR, GRID) ► Security system ► Mailing system ► Other: statistic system, operations logging

5 General conception ► SQL DBMS: MySQL ► Script system: Perl scripts ► Web-server: Apache ► Web-interface: CGI+Perl ► CASTOR: RFIO package All the products are supported as a standard software in CERN LCG collaboration

6 Current status ► SQL tables structure ► Internal Perl modules:  to access to the MCDB SQL tables  to parse configuration file  other auxiliary modules ► Web-interface for creating articles and related objects ► Working prototype of users-management system ► Rubricator for browsing physical categories tree

7 Articles creating interface Allows easily describe all nessesary objects: event files, processes, models, cuts, etc. ► Interactive ► Persistent work sessions ► Design: HTML templates + CSS = easy-to- change

8 Users management system (for moderators) Functionality: ► Add new author ► Edit author’s profile ► Deactivate user ► Search for author in the database

9 Current plans ► Reliable access to a data storage via Web- interface (downloading/uploading files) ► Access control (using login and password or GRID certificates) ► Internal system access control to provide author’s privacy ► Web-server tuning ► Tesing the Web-interface for compatibility with different browsers (IE, Netscape, Opera) ► First real tests: modification of existent web- interfaces on users’ demand

10 Future plans ► API for experiments software ► Interface for moderator (to manage articles and related objects, user comments on articles) ► Search engine ► Mailing lists ► Statistics system

11 Demonstration Location on Web:

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