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Pick up a ½ sheet from the front table! March 2 nd, 2015.

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1 Pick up a ½ sheet from the front table! March 2 nd, 2015

2 1. How is a line segment different from a line? A. Line segments have a measurable length. B. Line segments have exactly one endpoint. C. Line segments cannot be parallel to other line segments. D. Line segments cannot be perpendicular to other line segments. 2. Which term can be defined as the set of all points in a plane that are a fixed distance from a given point? 3. In the figure below, line m and line n create four 90° angles. Which of these best describes the lines m and n? 4. An angle is a geometric figure that consists of A.two intersecting lines. B.a number between 0 and 360. C.two rays with a common endpoint. D.two distinct points and all the points between them.

3 Missing Angles 5. What is the measure of angle b? Linear pair If <A and <B are a linear pair and m<A = 2x + 15 and m<B = 3x + 35 6. What is the value of x? 7.What is the value of angle A

4 Use the figure to answer the following questions. Name the line segments that make up the figure. What are different names we can give this figure?


6 Vocabulary Transformation - The mapping, or movement, of all points of a figure in a plane according to a common operation, such as translation, reflection or rotation. Translation - A transformation that slides each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction

7 FF’F” GG’G” HH’H” II’I” Ex 1). Translate quadrilateral FGHI 5 units to the left to form Translate quadrilateral FGHI 3 units up to form.

8 Discussion: 1. When we translate a figure horizontally, what changes and what remains the same? 2. When we translate a figure vertically, what changes and what remains the same?

9 A (4,3)A’ (7,3)A” (4,-7)A’” (3,5) B (7,4)B’ (10,4)B” (7,-6)B’” (6,6) C (5,6)C’ (8,6)C” (5,-4)C’” (4,8) D (3,5)D’ (6,5)D” (3,-5)D’” (2,7) Ex 2). The vertices of 4 quadrilaterals are given below… 1. Describe the translation done to ABCD to produce 2. Describe the translation done to ABCD to produce 3. Describe the translation done to ABCD to produce.

10 We can define a translation as a function that takes all the points of figure (inputs) and adds or subtracts a constant, k, to the x and/or y coordinates to produce new coordinates (outputs). Inputs (x, y)  Outputs (x ± c, y ± k) Translationxy Up k units Down k units Left k units Right k units same y+ k same y - k x - k same x + ksame

11 Ex 1). Write a function to represent the translation of quadrilateral ABCD to.

12 Ex 2). Write a function to represent the translation of triangle EFG to

13 Ex 3). The vertices of quadrilateral DEFG are D (-9, 7), E (-12, 2), F (-3, 2), and G (0, 7). Determine the vertex coordinates of if parallelogram DEFG is translated 14 units down

14 Ex 4). Determine the vertex coordinates of quadrilateral if parallelogram DEFG is translated 8 units to the right.

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