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INSPIRE status Hans Dufourmont Eurostat D-2 Regional Indicators & Geographical Information 10 January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "INSPIRE status Hans Dufourmont Eurostat D-2 Regional Indicators & Geographical Information 10 January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSPIRE status Hans Dufourmont Eurostat D-2 Regional Indicators & Geographical Information 10 January 2007

2 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 2 Timeline July 2004: Commission proposal June 2005: Council political agreement January 2006: Council Common Position June 2006: EP amendments 21 November 2006: Agreement reached in conciliation Expected entry into force: spring 2007

3 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 3 Key issues of discussion Principles for public access to GI Sharing principles between public authorities Intellectual Property Rights

4 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 4 INSPIRE objective General rules aimed at the establishment of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community for the purposes of Community environmental policies or activities which have an impact on the environment Build upon MS-SDIs Existence and ownership of IPR’s not affected by the directive, but some limitations on how they can be exercised

5 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 5 INSPIRE scope Only digital spatial data Only those themes listed in the annexes of the directive Only the reference versions of each dataset Focus on public authorities Focus on performance of public tasks No new data collection required

6 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 6 Metadata MS shall ensure that metadata are created and kept up to date for the spatial data and services (cfr. annexes) Minimal content: conformity with data harmonisation requirements? conditions for access and use? quality and validity? responsible public authorities? limitations on public access? IR will be adopted (=T0) annex I & II metadata  T0 + 2 years annex III metadata  T0 + 5 years

7 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 7 Data Harmonisation Service Interoperability Implementing Rules will be adopted for services interoperability, and where practicable for data harmonisation IR feasible and proportionate in terms of likely costs and benefits Conformity can be reached either by transformation services or by data harmonisation Stakeholders shall be given the opportunity to participate in preparatory discussions on IRs

8 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 8 Data Harmonisation Service Interoperability IR shall address: definition, classification and geo-referencing of spatial data sets a common framework for unique identification the relationship between spatial objects key attributes and corresponding multilingual thesauri info on temporal dimension of the data updates of the data consistency (items on same location; through scale ranges)

9 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 9 Data Harmonisation Service Interoperability IR will be adopted no later than: annex I data  2 years annex II & III data  5 years Conformity with adopted IR (=T0) Conformity new or extensively restructured data  T0 + 2 years Conformity existing data  T0 + 7 years Basic info needed for compliance shall be made available by MS (codes, classifications…) Cross border phenomena shall be decided upon by mutual consent

10 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 10 Network services MS shall establish and operate a network of following services: discovery services (data & services) view services download services transformation services middleware services discovery and view services free of charge charging exception for large volumes AND high update frequency (meteo data) if charged for, then via e-commerce protection against (commercial) proliferation allowed The Commission will run an EU geo-portal Implementing Rules will be adopted

11 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 11 Network services Public access limitations: discovery: when adversely affecting international relations, public security or national defence all other services: when adversely affecting: international relations public security national defence course of justice confidentiality (legal, commercial/industrial, privacy) intellectual property rights protection of the environment for information provided on a voluntary basis without any legal obligation to do so.

12 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 12 Data sharing Each MS shall adopt measures for sharing of spatial data sets and services between its public authorities, for the purposes of environmental policies Sharing measures shall preclude any restrictions likely to create practical obstacles, occurring at the point of use

13 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 13 Data sharing Licensing and payment allowed, but: limited to a minimum compatible with facilitating sharing data under Community reporting obligations without charging Sharing arrangements open to public authorities of other MSs Community institutions and bodies Community & MS binding international agreements However: arrangements may be accompanied by requirements under national law conditioning their use Derogations allowed when compromising the course of justice, public security, national defence or international relations. MS shall provide Community institutions and bodies with harmonised access and use conditions Data provided to the EC in the framework of reporting obligations is provided free of charge

14 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 14 Co-ordination MS shall ensure appropriate structures and mechanisms for co- ordination, across different levels of government. Each MS shall designate a contact point The Commission shall co-ordinate INSPIRE at Community level

15 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 15 Final Provisions MS shall monitor the implementation and use of their SDIs. Monitoring on a permanent basis Reporting on a 3 yearly basis, including how co-ordination is organised contributions of public authorities to the SDI use of the SDI sharing agreements costs and benefits of the directive The Commission shall be assisted by a (comitology) Committee

16 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 16 Spatial Data themes Annex I data Co-ordinate reference system Geographical grid system Geographical names Administrative units Addresses Cadastral parcels Transport networks Hydrography Protected sites Annex II data Elevation Land cover Ortho-imagery Geology

17 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 17 Spatial Data themes Area management/ restriction/regulation zones & reporting units Natural risk zones Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions Habitats & biotopes Distribution of species Energy resources Mineral resources Annex III data Statistical units Buildings Soil Land use Human health and safety Utility and government services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities Agricultural and aquaculture facilities Population distribution - demography

18 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 18 Data theme definitions Transport networks: Road, rail, air and water transport networks and related infrastructure. Includes links between different networks. Also includes TEN. Hydrography: Hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in the WFD, and in the form of networks

19 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 19 Data theme definitions Land Cover: Physical and biological cover of the earth’s surface including … water bodies Soil: Soils and subsoil … and anticipated water storage capacity Utility and governmental services: … water supply … Environmental monitoring facilities: Location and operation of environmental monitoring facilities including … measurement of emissions … Production and industrial facilities … water abstraction facilities …

20 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 20 Data theme definitions Area management/restriction zones and reporting units: … restricted areas around drinking water sources, nitrate vulnerable zones, … river basin districts, relevant reporting units … Natural risk zones: … all hydrologic, … phenomena that, because of their location, severity and frequency, have the potential to seriously affect society Habitats and biotopes: geographic areas characterised by …, includes terrestrial and aquatic areas distinguished by geographical, abiotic and biotic features… Energy resources: energy resources including … hydropower …

21 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 21 Preliminary information !!! Next sections build upon ongoing work in the Drafting Team Data Specifications work in progress feedback still to be organised SUBJECT TO CHANGES !!! INVITATION TO CONTRIBUTE !!!

22 Data theme definitions Drafting Team Data Specifications

23 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 23 Basic structure Spatial themes: High level thematic categories Spatial data components: sub-categories. A spatial data component comprises a group of spatial data with similar characteristics irrespective of scale Spatial data sets: lowest level of this conceptual framework, spatial data sets contain real data with defined content and accuracy/scale.

24 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 24 Structure of a theme description Definitionas given in the Annexes I, II, III of the proposal for a Directive (’Council’ version) Descriptionexplains the theme in more detail Scope, use examplesprominent use examples and reference to Community policies Important feature types and attributes non-exhaustive list of the most prominent feature types and attributes (note: this is not yet an attempt to define content requirements!) Overlaps and linkslists known relationships with other themes Reference materialList of the reference documents that are considered relevant to the theme Contributors to specification work SDICs and/or LMOs that have contributed to the descriptions in this document, or are considered to be important contributors in the drafting process; the list is not exhaustive with respect to the latter group

25 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 25 Scope, use examples takes definitions into account from: WFD (Dir. 2000/60/EC) art. 5: responsibility of MS to define characteristics of river basin district, and to review environmental impact of human activity and economic analysis of water use art. 8: responsibility of MS to establish monitoring of water status Flood Risk Management communication COM(2004)472

26 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 26 Important feature types Watercourse Name Hydrologic code Hydrologic persistence (perennial, intermittent) Hydrographic Origin Category (natural, man-made) Type (stream, canal, aqueduct, ditch, estuary, …, virtual) Position/ground Navigability Lake, pond Name (if any) Hydrologic code Hydrologic persistence (perennial, intermittent) Hydrographic Origin Category (natural, man-made) Other entities on water network, such as waterfall, sluice, lock, dam Isolated water infrastructures, such as fountain, pumping station River basin name hydrologic code level (“administrative importance”) Use case specific; input from SDIC WISE

27 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 27 Reference Documents SDIGER : Reference water common model (2005) EuroGeographics: EuroGlobalMap (v2.5) and EuroRegionalMap (v4.0) data specification. Spécifications BD UNI v0.1 – IGN France GeoInfoDok v3.0– AdV, Germany FACC (v2.0) and DFDD (december 2004) : DGIWG WFD Guidance document nr. 9

28 Data Harmonisation components Drafting Team Data Specifications

29 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 29 Methodology for developing Data Specifications Data Harmonisation Components Checklist of topics to be addressed in a use case description Use case development Identification of requirements relevant to data harmonisation from use cases Development of Data (Product) Specification Implementation, testing and validation !!! Ideal situation with clear use case requirements !!! + pragmatic approach taking into account existing situation offered by data providers

30 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 30 1.2 Reference model 1. INSPIRE Information Model 1.7 Object referencing modelling 1.6 Coordinate refe- rencing and units model 1.1 INSPIRE Principles 2. Operational components/registers 3. Guidelines & Best Practice 2.2 Terminology 1.3 Application Schemas 2.1 Identifier Management 2.4 Dictionaries 1.8 Data translation model/guidelines 2.3 Feature catalogues 2.5 Conformance 1.4 ISO 19100 Profile 1.5 Multi-lingual text and cultural adaptibility 3.1 Metadata 3.2 Maintenance 3.3 Quality 3.4 Data Transfer 3.5 Derived re- porting & multiple representations 1.9 Portrayal model 3.6 Consistency between data 3.7 Data capturing Data Harmonisation Components Overview Focus on generic aspects / priority components

31 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 31 INSPIRE data specifications Mandatory: Overview Specification scopes Data product identification Data content and structure Reference systems Data quality Data product delivery Metadata Optional: Data capture Data maintenance Portrayal Additional information The INSPIRE data specifications will be based on ISO 19131 Data Product Specification Not clear yet how far Annex III harmonisation should go

32 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 32 Draft results (subject to change!) 1.3 Rules for Application Schemas Based on ISO 19109 and ISO/TS 19103 – with some constraints on the GFM and the use of UML 1.4 ISO 19100 Profile Identification of a profile of ISO 19107/19108/19123/etc. not possible due to the wide range of spatial information in the themes Recommendation to use the Simple Feature profile of the spatial schema (ISO 19125-1) when possible Potential SDIC/LMO consultation: spatial object types and interpolation types that are in use

33 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 33 Draft results (subject to change!) 1.5 Multilinguality Based on recommendations of CEN draft technical report Conceptual model may be based on ISO/TS 19139 Requirements for multilingual/multicultural support in ESDI need more discussion 1.6 Coordinate reference system and units model Based on revision of ISO 19111 (CRS) and ISO 19136 (units) Known limitations of today‘s standards: linear reference systems, CRS using physical parameters (e.g. pressure)

34 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 34 Draft results (subject to change!) 2.2 Terminology Proposal to establish a “Glossary of Generic Geographic Information Terms in Europe” to define the meaning of terms regarding spatial information that are used within the INSPIRE Legislative and Implementing Rule documents 1.7 Object referencing Under discussion Relevant aspects include: Interpretation of the Directive How to reference an object (or a cell of a grid coverage object) in the ESDI? How to build spatial objects based on reference data? Gazetteers and European gazetteers

35 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 35 Draft results (subject to change!) 2.1 Identifier management Requirements for unique identifiers for spatial objects of Annex I and II: uniqueness, persistence, traceability, feasibility Use co-ordinated identifier management: rules are defined to ensure unique identifiers in INSPIRE but each data provider creates its own identifiers; an identifier consists of two parts: A namespace identifying the data provider (structure of the namespace under discussion) A local identifier part assigned by the data provider (lexical grammar under discussion - potential SDIC/LMO consultation) Thematic identifiers will be modelled as part of the domain application schemas

36 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 36 Next steps Extending the generic expertise with theme specific expertise theme specific experts to interact with DT-DS running through data theme definitions, generic conceptual model and data harmonisation components on a theme by theme basis Questionnaires to stakeholders: the use of identifiers the use of spatial-temporal schema

37 ESTAT - D2 Regional Indicators and Geographical Information 37 Questions are welcome !

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