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Tom Fitzgibbon – Regional Director MARKETING YOUR CAMPING PROGRAMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Fitzgibbon – Regional Director MARKETING YOUR CAMPING PROGRAMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Fitzgibbon – Regional Director MARKETING YOUR CAMPING PROGRAMS

2 Marketing Your Camping Programs SCOUTING’S JOURNEY TO EXCELLENCE FACTS Boy Scout and Cub Scout Camping is 12 percent of a council’s JTE Score. Camp attendance will affect Cub Scout and Boy Scout Advancement score. Scouts that camp are more satisfied with the program. Higher satisfaction will positively impact “The Voice of the Scout” score.

3 Marketing Your Camping Programs Strong camp attendance will be additional income for the council which will increase council income. We know, through research, that summer camp positively impacts youth retention, market share and total traditional membership.

4 Marketing Your Camping Programs 9 Journey to Excellence Standards # 1Fiscal Management # 4Market Share # 5Traditional Membership Growth # 6Youth Retention # 7Cub Scout Advancement # 8Boy Scout Advancement # 9Cub Scout Camping # 10Boy Scout Camping # 15Voice of the Scout

5 Marketing Your Camping Programs 9 out of 18 Quality Standards equals 50 percent. Your Council’s Camping program impacts one half of your Journey to Excellence score.

6 Marketing Your Camping Programs It is the BSA method of education. It impacts 50% of a Council’s Journey to Excellence score. It is the number one membership growth indicator. It helps a Scout with his advancement program. Why Should We Promote Camping

7 7 ANNUAL CAMPING CYCLE 1. Conduct Camp 2. Survey Customer Satisfaction 3. Develop Camp Program to Exceed Customer Requirements 4. Property Improvement 5. Hire the Best Camp Staff 6. Develop Next Year’s Promotion Plan Marketing Your Camping Programs

8 Your Council’s Summer Camp program has the single greatest effect on success, as defined by the Journey to Excellence on your Units, Districts and Council.

9 Marketing Your Camping Programs So…. The time invested in marketing and promoting Summer camp is well invested.

10 Marketing Your Camping Programs BSA SUMMER CAMP RESEARCH SURVEY Youth Activities Survey 2008. 2010 National Jamboree Survey. Summer Camp Research Study 1994. Boy Scouts of America Summer Camp Outcomes Study 2001.

11 Marketing Your Camping Programs Councils Surveyed

12 12 SUMMER CAMP RESEARCH STUDY – KEY FINDINGS Camp facilities do not need to be new, but must be well-maintained. A well-trained, highly motivated, service-oriented staff is a must. Maintain an equal balance between individual and troop program. Food service must provide Scouts with basic food nee ds. Marketing Your Camping Programs

13 13 SUMMER CAMP RESEARCH STUDY – KEY FINDINGS Cont’d Use counselor in training programs. You must have new, more challenging activities for older Scouts. Create a family environment in camp. Camp must be profitable. Marketing Your Camping Programs

14 BSA SUMMER CAMP PROMOTION Develop a promotion budget. Develop a promotion plan. Product promotion materials. Recruit a chairman and promotion committee. Target Troops. Conduct Troop promotion presentations. Sign up Troops and Scouts.

15 15 Methods of Promotion E-MailDirect Mail YouTubeFlyers FacebookInserts in Handbooks TwitterNext Year’s Patches Now Video at Troop meeting Marketing Your Camping Programs

16 16 Promotional Tools DVD’sPoint of Sales Displays Printed MaterialsE-Mail PatchesDirect Mail YouTube VideosNewspaper Articles Marketing Your Camping Programs

17 17 Promotion Opportunities Roundtable Scout Show Troop and Pack Meetings Basic Leader Training Courses Wood Badge Course Other Summer Camps Your Summer Camp Marketing Your Camping Programs

18 18 Who Can Promote Camp Camp Director Camp Staff Members District Camping Committee Members Commissioners Other Unit Leaders Marketing Your Camping Programs

19 19 Who Can Promote Camp Cont’d Camp Alumni Other Scouts Past Camp Staff Members Order of the Arrow Members Satisfied Parents Marketing Your Camping Programs

20 20 How to Target Troops Keep an inventory where every troop is registered to camp. Units that are not currently signed up. Large troops camping off council. Marketing Your Camping Programs

21 21 Positive Camp Image Sells Large visuals like Merit Badges Split rail fence Flags Staff in impeccable uniforms Marketing Your Camping Programs

22 22 Positive Camp Image Sells Cont’d Clean-shaven staff Clean camp Well-groomed property Buildings that are well-maintained Marketing Your Camping Programs

23 23 How to Cater to Scoutmasters Little Things Make A Big Impression Deliver daily newspapers. Deliver morning coffee. Give Scoutmaster lounge chair as gift. Greeting letter to Scoutmaster upon entering camp Marketing Your Camping Programs

24 24 How to Cater to Scoutmasters Cont’d Scoutmaster lounge with: −Wi-Fi −Frosted lemonade mugs −Ice cold drinks −Coffee −Relaxed Atmosphere −Scoutmaster is KING!!! Marketing Your Camping Programs

25 25 The Camping operations of any council is its primary business unit. Marketing Your Camping Programs


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