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28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. LHC Experiments.

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Presentation on theme: "28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. LHC Experiments."— Presentation transcript:


2 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. LHC Experiments activities during LS2 2 Rolf LINDNER Austin BALL Ludovico PONTECORVO Werner RIEGLER On behalf of the LHC experiments ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb

3 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Outline Overview Experiments program and scope of LS2 Support from CERN partners required Major challenges ahead 3

4 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb have scheduled significant maintenance work and upgrade installation for the long shutdown 2 (LS2). While ALICE and LHCb pursue a major upgrade of the experiment in one single phase, ATLAS and CMS have envisaged an upgrade in two phases, spread over 3 shutdowns with the most intense detector activities during LS3. Nevertheless, the amount of work, challenges and time pressure the different collaborations and technical groups from CERN are facing in LS2 will be be very similar for all LHC experiments. The LS2 project started already with advanced preparation well underway. Specification of cooling systems, electrical distribution, survey tasks, beam pipe projects, civil engineering work and many other issues are being discussed with all stakeholders. Experiments will exploit the pre-LS2 YETS and EYETS as much as possible. Overview 4

5 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. LHCb & ALICE major upgrade ATLAS & CMS major upgrade Phase II 3 years left ATLAS & CMS Phase I upgrade 2 Years ATLAS & CMS Phase I upgrade 5

6 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Motivation: Focus on high-precision measurements of rare probes at low p T Cannot be selected by hardware trigger Need to record large sample of events Goal: Pb-Pb recorded luminosity ≥ 10 nb -1, (plus pp and p-Pb data) 8 x 10 10 events to gain a factor 100 in statistics over the Run1+Run2 programme Strategy: Read out all Pb-Pb interactions at a maximum rate of 50kHz (i.e. L = 6x10 27 cm - 1 s -1 ) upon a minimum bias trigger Perform online data reduction based on reconstruction of clusters and tracks Improve vertexing and tracking at low p T  New Inner Tracking System (ITS) ALICE, LS2 upgrade scope 6

7 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. ALICE, LS2 upgrade scope New Inner Tracking System (ITS) improved pointing precision less material  thinnest tracker at the LHC Time Projection Chamber (TPC) new GEM technology for readout chambers continuous readout faster readout electronics MUON Arm continuous readout electronics Muon Forward Tracker (MFT) new Si tracker Improved MUON pointing precision New Online/Offline computing farm (O2) new architecture on line tracking & data compression 50kHz PbPb event rate TOF, TRD Faster readout New Trigger Detectors (FIT) 7

8 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. ATLAS, LS2 upgrade scope Main Motivations: Improve the trigger system to maintain low LVL1 thresholds for muons and electrons Improve rate capability of forward muon detectors New Small Wheel Replace the present first measuring station of the forward muon spectrometer Control trigger rate and enhance rate capability for muon detectors Calorimeter Trigger Electronics Enhanced granularity available at LVL1 Control of the electron and photon rates TDAQ (Trigger and DAQ) BIS7/8 (Barrel Inner Sector) installation FTK (FastTracker) in 2016-2017 AFP (ATLAS Forward Proton detector) in 2016 and 2017 BMG (Barrel Midium G) Installation 2017 3-year detector maintenance ton rates TDAQ BIS7/8 installation FastTracker (FTK) 2016-2017 AFP 2016 and 2017 BMG Installation 2017 3-year detector maintenance (40-50% of tot) 8

9 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. ATLAS, LS2 upgrade scope New Small Wheels BIS7-8 Calorimeter Electronics 9

10 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. CMS upgrade scope: LS2 Pixel detector replacement HCAL (HE + HF) upgrade phototransducer & front-end EYETS 2016-17 Full opening:LS2 Magnet: Install cooled freewheel thyristor or diode switch in power circuit. Install revised yoke opening system Beam pipe: replace all chambers except central + test RP shielding Endcap muon stations ME2/1,3/1,4/1 (UXC,SX5): readout upgrade GE1/1: install new detector layer HCAL (HB): upgrade phototransducer + front-end (HE): contingency plan for replacement of 30% of active elements VAX/TAS region prep for HL-LHC revision in LS3 Surface buildingsCompletion of: SX5 extension, new barrack, UPS barn, SCX control room consolidation, SX5 assembly area extension 3-year detector maintenance (40-50% of total activity) 10

11 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. 11 CMS: on-detector upgrade scope to end LS2

12 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. LHCb, LS2 upgrade scope Luminosity Run2 4 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 (2 x nominal) ->Upgrade: 2 x 10 33 cm -2 s -1 (Triggerless) Read-out Run 2 1 MHz -> Upgrade 40 MHz Increasing the read out to 40 MHz and the higher luminosity necessitates replacing almost all front-end electronics and the majority of detector systems. To cope with the enormous increase of events to be evaluated, a larger CPU farm will be unavoidable. As space and cooling/power capacities are limited in the UX, a new ‘Data Center’ at the surface is in planning. 12

13 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. LHCb, LS2 upgrade scope Velo & TT: Silicon sensors to be replaced RICH: HPDs and FE to be replaced modified optical system of RICH 1 Calo: replace FE remove PS/SPD/Lead wall Muon: replace BE remove M1 Outer Tracker/ Inner Tracker: Replace with SciFi Tracker Add shielding behind RICH Replace read- out boards and DAQ network 13

14 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Support required during LS2 and (E)YETS 14

15 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Cooling and Ventilation ATLAS Renewal ventilation control system (CV) Refurbishment of cooling distribution in UX15 to reduce temperature gradients in cavern Study how to reduce pressure jumps that may harm detectors (TRT/RPC) Upgrade of Muon cooling station to include NSW detector cooling ALICE New water cooling plant for Inner Tracking System (ITS) and MFT detector upgrade (before LS2). Possibly upgrade of the dry air ventilation system for the trackers (during LS2). O2 computing facility at P2, technology decision in 2016, (implementation before LS2) TPC cleanroom at P2 with new ventilation system, ITS cleanroom Bat. 167 (CV or SMB?, 2017) Ventilation of new visitor center at P2 (2016) CMS Upgrade HVAC control system Eliminate sudden UXC pressure changes but ensure pressure differentials in operation Add 1.5 MW chilled water capacity for Phase 2 detectors Water production & distribution control system Compressed air : extend dry gas, consolidate pneumatic control LHCb: New and upgraded detector cooling plants have to be prepared, constructed and installed. VELO, UT, RICH, SciFi – before LS2 Cooling for the CPU farm, final technology to be decided soon. Pressure differentials shall comply with RP requirements. Only for Run II a derogation exists. 15

16 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Electrical distribution & cabling ATLAS Upgrade and refurbishment of several switch boards (2016-1017) Upgrade of UPS for electronics racks in USA15 to 2 MVA (LS2) Consolidation of central UPS Distribution in USA15 (LS2) Cabling for the new detectors ALICE 2 x 2.5MVA transformers for O2 facility (EYETS 2016/2017) Large UPS installed in LS1 probably sufficient 12k optical fibres to be installed Significant cabling campaign: Removal of services, new patch panels, connectors, services, cables etc. through EN cabling contract. CMS Upgrade UPS: Computer farm 3 x 500kVA (pre-LS2) Detector UPS from 4 x 500kVA to 5 x 500kVA (n+1 redundant) (LS2) Electrical distr. for additional cooling/dry gas/UPS + extended detector labs in SX5 LHCb Power for ‘Data Center’. Primary supply 2 x 1.5MVA transformer, power for services. (EYETS 2016/2017 ?) ~17k optical fibres through PM shaft (close collaboration with access and LHC cryo) All major supports are in place and test installation successful. Provider for the OF still to be defined, expect in-kind contribution from institute. Electrical distribution for new/modified detector cooling units. 16

17 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Beam Pipe ATLAS No new beam pipes foreseen But full dismounting of beam pipes except the inner section (Venting, access protection etc.) ALICE New central beam pipe ordered Q3 2015, delivery Q2 2017. Bake-out equipment and installation chariot (2017) Removal of beam pipes at the start of LS2, installation and bake-out of new beam pipe 'middle' of LS2. LHCb Entire beam pipe to be dismantled and re-installed second half 2020. Venting, access, protection, storage etc. – the full chain at day one of LS2! CMS Full beam pipe dismount, (Venting, access protection etc) Replacement of conical chambers (EC +HF) Preparation for replacement in LS3 of : TAS + fwd chambers. 17

18 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Survey ATLAS Usual activities related to every YETS or Shutdown Survey related to new detectors During NSW construction: measure of spacer frame+measure of assembled sector (16-17) NJD measurement (2017), NSW measurement at B191 after integration, 2018-19 BIS 7/8 measurement after installation ALICE Significant survey activity during opening of the detector, installation of the TPC chambers and re-installation of the entire detector. Close collaboration with survey group already now, defining survey strategy. Metrology for tracker upgrade CMS Opening & closing sequences (1/3 of operations are survey) & re-baselining of survey mesh. Special focus on: new beam pipe vacuum chambers new endcap muon detectors LHCb Survey already during the construction and assembly phase, regular survey while installing systems and survey after installation is completed. Metrology for VeLo 18

19 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Handling ATLAS On top of usual activities, specific needs are identified for NSW integration Transport of NSW chambers (BB5, Bld 180) from 2016-2018 JD shielding & NSW at B191 : 2 crane drivers (part time) from end- 2016 to mid-2019 Transport NSW from 191 to P1 and SW from P1 to 191 2019/20 ALICE Opening of ALICE (shaft shielding, cavern shielding, mini-frame, TPC to surface) in 2 shifts at the beginning of LS2. Special transport of TPC from cavern to cleanroom. Installation of the entire ALICE upgrade during 2020. LHCb: Dismantle ~33% of shielding wall For passage of detector services Dismantling and installation of new detectors, support and access structures. Large object to be dismantled: PS, SPD and lead wall, Outer Tracker, M1 station CMS On top of usual activities, specific focus identified for: GE1/1 transport/installation ME x/1 refurbishment 19

20 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Civil engineering ATLAS Enlargement of SR1 building (+300 sqm) including the exisiting clean room ALICE New visitor center (2016/2017) Baseline for O2 computing facility is a commercial container (choice end 2016). Infrastructure and noise protection needed. CMS Extension/Annexe to SX5 surface building (1000 m2) Re-equip SX5 heavy maintenance areas as lab space for Phase 2 build/maintenance Replacement of barracks & storage barns overwritten by HL-LHC buildings Probable construction of a UPS barn Modify SX5 and SDX roofs for endcap cal extraction/lowering by “crawler crane” LHCb The new ‘Data Center’ will require preparation of new housing. Technical gallery from SCX to ‘Data Center’ and to transformer Storage for detector parts that will be recuperated, stored or become radioactive waste Final disassembly can and will not take place in the underground Requires storage space for large detector parts, with some components being radioactive. Need protected area for storage of concrete blocks from the shielding. 20

21 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Safety & Radiation ATLAS Work package analysis for safety, including radiological risks, will be a major activity before and during LS2 Study of storage of the Old Small Wheel has to be finalized ALICE Safety coordination for work package analysis of P2 activities. Support for radiation safety. LHCb Due to heavy handling, many co-activities, users & contractors and very tight schedule a safety coordinator will be mandatory. Shall attend meetings, providing advice to users, contractors and staff. Radiation protection LHCb provides personnel for low risk and low duty tasks already (RPE and RPA). Additional support will be required, mostly during the dismantling phase. CMS Work package analysis for safety, co-activity & radiological risks, Storage of removed beam pipe & detector elements to be finalized 21

22 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Others – crane, lift ATLAS Replacment of PM15 lift April 2019-June 2019 PX15 liftDec 2020 Jan 2021 ALICE Replacement of lift to the cavernduring EYETS CMS Replacement lift in PM54 shaft (during 2017 run after end April 2017) Add. crane in expt cavern (YETS 2017-18) LHCb Replacement of two 40t cranes in UX PX liftduring EYETS 22

23 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Major challenges ahead Similar activities at all LHC sites in parallel Dismantling/re-installation of the beam pipe Removing/installing/re-installing detectors Cabling/fibre-installation Survey Handling Safety coordination For some projects, workload almost at the size of the initial experiment’s installation, but: Clearly less resources Smaller time window Considerably reduced preparation period 23

24 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. In addition to CERN staff and contractors at the experimental site, > 50 institutes are involved in the upgrade projects, have to be coordinated and depend very much on the flexibility of all partners at CERN with restricted time-flexibility and rely on the commitment of CERN personnel. All regular maintenance works at all LHCexp sites are in parallel to the upgrade! Extremely tight planning for the construction, consolidation, maintenance, installation and commissioning in LS2 - shifts might be an option. Major challenges ahead cont. 24

25 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Conclusions 25 All LHC experiments have a vast number of actvities as part of the L2 project. Projects have been forwarded into PLAN and discussions with all stakeholders are continuing. Experiments will heavily rely on efficient collaboration with all technical groups at CERN Similar work requiring same expertise for several projects at all sites at the same time

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