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1 IMPLEMENTATION OF OIL AND GAS UPSTREAM PROJECT IN MAXIMO By: Abhyudaya Goyal (838471) Maitri Chattopadhyay (835572) Nandini Nataraj (832076) Saswotee.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IMPLEMENTATION OF OIL AND GAS UPSTREAM PROJECT IN MAXIMO By: Abhyudaya Goyal (838471) Maitri Chattopadhyay (835572) Nandini Nataraj (832076) Saswotee."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF OIL AND GAS UPSTREAM PROJECT IN MAXIMO By: Abhyudaya Goyal (838471) Maitri Chattopadhyay (835572) Nandini Nataraj (832076) Saswotee Lenka (834919) Sumantra Pathak (856613)

2 2 What happens in O&G Upstream? Exploration Extraction Separation Storage INTRODUCTION

3 3 EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION Exploration Extraction Shock waves are fired into the ground to track the shale rocks which can contain crude oil and gas of market value. Extraction is carried out by drilling a hole in the shale rocks and pumping oil out. Gases are also tapped.

4 4 SEPARATION AND STORAGE Separation Storage Separation is carried out in specially designed pressure vessels which separated oil and gas from the crude. Crude is stored in special storage tanks which can be used for short of long term storage of heat and cold.

5 5 HAZARDS AND ACCIDENTS Miscellaneous Machine Hazards Explosions and fires Oil Spills Blowouts Electrical Hazards Oil Spill Oil rig blowout causing fire

6 6 SAFETY AND PRECAUTIONS Preventing major accidents require the maintenance of production facilities and the sub-sea pipeline network. This can be achieved by performing proper maintenance through POB(Personnel on Board) It is used by O&G Industries to control and monitor the movements of personnel to, fro and between off-shore and on-shore facilities.


8 8 PERFORMANCE STANDARD Performance standards are applicable to safety critical equipments. It deals with the efficiency and effectiveness of safety critical equipments at the times of distress. It recognizes whether an equipment is installable at a particular location. Some examples of safety critical equipments are lifeboats, fire extinguishers, fire pump, gas detector.

9 9 Planned Maintenance Routine PMR is a document that includes a set of protocols that need to be carried out during the maintenance work. It includes step by step procedure of how a particular work has to be performed in order to avoid any emergencies. Benefits : Increased resource productivity. Greater reliability of existing capacity. Improvement in up-time. Enhanced personnel satisfaction by meeting production targets and business goals.

10 10 WORK TYPE Planned Work: Work done on a maintenance basis to avoid breakdown. Corrective Work: Work done when some transient error was detected in any equipment. Breakdown Work: Work done when an equipment breakdown occurs. Onshore repair: OEM related repairs and expenditures are included in this work type. Visit: Work Orders are created when any external crew like a management personnel pays visit to an oil rig. Non Work Related Material: Request for consumable resources like oil and gloves are made through this work type.


12 12 LOGISTICS IN OIL AND GAS The overall management of the way resources are obtained, stored and moved to the locations where they are required is called logistics. In the oil and natural gas industry, logistics consists of the systems for gathering and transporting oil, including pipelines and trucks, along with storage and distribution facilities. By having an efficient supply chain and proper logistical procedures, a company can cut costs and increase efficiency.

13 13 LOGISTICS IN OIL AND GAS continued... Ship Item: Items which are specified to be shipped into the rig. Container movement: Ship items are put in containers in order to get shipped Load Items: Ship items are together grouped as load items. Manifest: Load items are loaded into the freight transport and is sailed to the rig. This process is called rig. ROB: In case an item reaches a wrong destination and is sent back, it remains on board till the transport leaves for the specified destination.



16 16 GoTo->Assets->Locations LOCATIONS

17 17 Assets GoTo->Assets->Assets

18 18 SHOWCASE PM WORKORDER GENERATION Scenario 1 : Child Work order  Generate Work order from PM “Gas Compressor Actuated Valves Inspection”. This should generate 1 Parent Work order and 5 Child Work orders ( Pl ensure that the route attached in the PM is of appropriate type).  Go to Plans Tab and showcase that there are automatically 5 child work orders in Children of Work order section.

19 19 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

20 20 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

21 21 Scenario 2 : Job Plan details copied to Work order Generate Work order from PM “15 MONTHLY OVERSPEED TRIP TEST ROUTINE “. This should generate the Work order with all the details planned in the associated Job Plan. In the Work order Tab showcase that the Job Details section is auto-populated. Go to Plans Tab and showcase that the Task section is automatically populated with the tasks from Job Plan + Labor sub Tab is automatically populated with the crafts added in the Job Plan earlier. WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

22 22 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

23 23 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

24 24 Scenario 3 : Create New Work order  Enter description as “ Fire Pump not Starting. Repair/Replace as required ” Since this is a corrective WO  Select Work Type as CM Select Location as 12-19-0010  Failure Class should auto-populate as JBEL ( for this you need to ensure that the Location has this Failure Class entered) Select Problem Code as EXECF GL account should also be auto-populated from the Location application Add 1 Task  Open and Check Motor……Add 1 Labor  ELEC… duration 1 hr Add Material as Line Type Material -  Description as “Electrical Cable Gland”, Qty 2, Unit Price as 100 Approve the work order Go to Inventory>Reorder>Reorder Direct Issue Items ……PR will be created Go to PR….Approve PR….Go to select Action >Create PO Go to PO and add vendor ……Approve PO Receive the Material (Here talk about “Pass to Cargo? Check box) WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

25 25 Do Invoice Go to Work order  show here that in Actuals tab Material sub tab is auto-populated because of receiving Work order> Actuals Tab> Labor sub tab> Add hours for 1 craft In Failure Reporting Tab  select Cause as “GLAEF-ELECTRICAL CABLE GLAND FAULT” and Remedy as REPLCACED Complete the Work Order that means change the status of the Work order to COMP Create a followup Work order  Go to Select Action and Create>Work order Go to related Records Tab and show the relationship WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

26 26 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

27 27 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

28 28 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

29 29 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

30 30 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

31 31 WORK ORDER GENERATION continued...

32 32 BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS 1)In Receiving Application, Add the following fields in the Line Item section:- Pass to Cargo ? Ship Item Dangerous Goods Level 2)The following fields should not be displayed on the Job Plan Start Constraint Offset Finish Constraint Offset Flow Action Flow Action Assist?

33 33 Receiving GoTo->Purchasing->Receiving

34 34 RECEIVING continued...

35 35 JOB PLAN Not hidden fields

36 36 JOB PLAN continued... Fields are hidden

37 37 3)Ability to specify whether the Location is either one of the following Safety Critical Environment Critical Production Critical 4) Escalation scenario – System should automatically Change the status of WO to CANCEL if remaining in WAPPR Status for more than 90 days BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS

38 38 LOCATIONS customized Customized attributes based on locations are added




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