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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services. Learning Targets… What are the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel? How is patient.

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Presentation on theme: "Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services. Learning Targets… What are the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel? How is patient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services

2 Learning Targets… What are the responsibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic services personnel? How is patient data collected and reported? What are basic patient care skills used by diagnostic and therapeutic services professionals?

3 Essential question… Pick up 3 items at the front…. What impact would failure of Understanding diagnostic and therapeutic services have on patient care?

4 Objective 3.01 Understanding Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services

5 3.01 Understand Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Diagnostic Services Diagnostic Services Diagnostic Services professionals create a picture of the health status of patients at a single point in time. 5

6 3.01 Understand Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Therapeutic Services Therapeutic Services Therapeutic Services professionals change the health status of the patient over a period of time. 6

7 Career Responsibilities: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Plan patient carePlan patient care Implement patient careImplement patient care Evaluate patient careEvaluate patient care 3.01 Understand Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services 7

8 Career Responsibilities: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Plan patient care Work within scope of practice for career area Never do anything you have not been taught to do Determine if a request is appropriate for patient Is this safe Can he/she walk that far Include patient in plan of care goals Develop a plan to meet patient’s needs specific to patient Assemble appropriate materials 8

9 3.01 Understand Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Implement care Check physician’s order Make sure you understand what you are to do Verify patient identificationMake sure you have the right patient Evaluate for contraindications Make sure patient can tolerate the procedure/activity Obtain patient’s consent Patient says OK Properly prepare patientMake sure he/she has the right medicine/prep/etc. Perform care in an orderly manner Step 1, step 2, etc. Perform procedure according to standards Step 1, step 2, etc Use equipment as recommended by manufacturer Follow directions Monitor patient’s condition throughout procedure Assess patient throughout procedure or activity Modify care as required for patient Change care if patient got dizzy: sit him/her down to rest Career Responsibilities: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services 9

10 3.01 Understand Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Evaluate care Patient response to treatment and/or procedure Document vital signs Implementation of the procedure Did I have all of my materials Function of equipment Personal performance Did I follow directions Analysis of information gathered What do I do with vitals of …….. Revision of treatment plan based on information gathered Change care: I will not make him/her walk as far next time without rest. Evaluation is a continual process Career Responsibilities: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services 10

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