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11/12/13 54th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to compare & contrast single-celled organisms. Due Today: late work (foldable, flashcards,

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Presentation on theme: "11/12/13 54th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to compare & contrast single-celled organisms. Due Today: late work (foldable, flashcards,"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/12/13 54th Day of School Learning goal (7.L.1): I will be able to compare & contrast single-celled organisms. Due Today: late work (foldable, flashcards, chart) Evening Assignment: Study for quiz on characteristics of life & single-celled organisms

2 Do Now Copy the assignments for the week into your agenda from Mrs. Eagle’s webpage.

3 Vocab Review: Homeostasis Homeostasis Definition: Condition where an organism maintains it’s internal conditions. Examples: Consuming or making food for energy Protective cell membrane Euglena forming a cyst during drought

4 Compare & Contrast Using your Life Characteristics of Single-Celled organisms chart, compare and contrast two different single-celled organisms that we studied (euglena, paramecium, amoeba, volvox. You may use a Venn diagram, double bubble map, or a chart. Include information on all 8 characteristics of life.

5 Writing Practice Using your compare & contrast graphic organizer, write two paragraphs using complete sentences comparing and contrasting the two single-celled organisms you chose. Include information about ALL 8 characteristics of life. 1.The first paragraph should be about how the two organisms are similar (compare). 2.The second paragraph should be about how the two organisms are different (contrast). 3.Example When done, exchange your paragraphs with a neighbor for constructive evaluation.

6 Writing Example EuglenaPeranema Euglena and peranema are both single-celled protozoa common to freshwater lakes, streams, and ditches. Both protozoa have similar organizational structure and move using a single-flagella to gather food and avoid predators. Both can feed by heterotrophy consuming bacteria, yeasts, and other microorganisms. Both grow and develop at similar rates and reproduce asexually. While both protozoa are in the Euglena family (flagellates), peranema lack chloroplasts and can only feed hetetrophically. In contrast, euglena have chloroplasts and can feed both autotrophically and heterotrophically. Also only euglena have a red eye spot used to sense light for photosynthesis.

7 Evening Assignment Study for quiz on the 8 characteristics of life & single-celled organisms

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