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8 th grade RTC 3 March 2016. When are we leaving? We will leave Summit promptly at 8:15 A.M. Thursday 3 March The previous proposed itinerary had us leaving.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th grade RTC 3 March 2016. When are we leaving? We will leave Summit promptly at 8:15 A.M. Thursday 3 March The previous proposed itinerary had us leaving."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th grade RTC 3 March 2016

2 When are we leaving? We will leave Summit promptly at 8:15 A.M. Thursday 3 March The previous proposed itinerary had us leaving after school on Wednesday and staying two nights on the road. Logistics caused the change in the itinerary to make it a one night stay. Even with the change we will still be able to make and participate in all the planned activities.

3 What should I bring? Scholars will need A change of clothes will be needed for the trip Scholars can wear school appropriate jeans on the RTC trip On Thursday they need to wear the White Summit polo and jeans Friday we plan to have class shirts for them to wear but bring a summit spirit shirt just in case Please bring pajamas for bed. Bring any necessary toiletries for Hygiene purposes We don’t want to just look professional we want to smell professional Bring emergency contact info or methods Some scholars do not know their parents phone number Bring cell phone and use it appropriately Limited charger outlets Paper and something to write with on the college tours it might be useful Limit you baggage to one bag please! Bring appropriate additional recreational items at your own risk

4 Itinerary day one Thursday 3/3/16 Our schedule looks like this: 8:15 Leave Summit 9:45 Arrive Waco go straight to Dr Pepper Museum 10:00 to 12:00 Dr Pepper Museum tour and soda pop school 12:15 to 1:45 Self Guided Tour of Baylor (they don't do any tours in March) & eat lunch 2:00 to 4:30 Tour and Activity at National Mammoth Site 4:45 to 5:00 Load Bus to travel to Austin 7:00 to 7:30 arrive Austin check into hotel 8:00 order pizza for dinner 8:00 to 10:00 free time and dinner 10:30 everyone in there rooms for the night

5 Itinerary day two Friday 3/4/16 Our Schedule looks like this: 7:00 Breakfast at the Hotel 8:00 Depart/checkout of hotel for UT Austin 9:00 UT College Presentation 11:00 Residential Hall Tour 1:00 Cafeteria Tour and Lunch 2:00 Load Buses for the Capital 3:00 Tour Visitor Center 3:30 Visit Gift Shop 4:00 First Tour Group of the Capital 4:15 Second Tour Group of the Capital 5:00 Board Buses for trip back to Summit and eat dinner 9:30 Arrive back at Summit

6 Expectations Even while on the trip scholars need to adhere to and uphold the Summit code of conduct in the student handbook. I would like to highlight the items below from the code of conduct. Behave in a responsible and respectful manner Demonstrate courtesy and respect for others, especially other scholars and School personnel Respect the rights and privileges of other scholars and school personnel in person and online Cooperate with School personnel in maintaining safety, order and discipline Dress appropriately in accordance with the School’s dress code Review and comply with the Scholar Handbook and other School and campus rules Refrain from verbal or written acts of bullying whether in person or online Avoid violations of this Code

7 Other expectations This is not a road trip party or get away from my parents and act up trip. Don’t turn up. Let’s keep it vanilla We want this to be a learning experience This is not a romantic getaway School rules apply and Taboo behavior is not tolerated Boys and girls should not be alone at any time The hotel room is for sleeping Be responsible and behave yourself in the rooms Broken or damaged things will incur charges that you are responsible for Once the doors are shut they stay shut until breakfast, barring an emergency Stay with the group at all times For your safety stay with the group at all times Do not walk off or leave us without permission for any reason

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