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The Child in School Mark Jenkins. Every Child Matters Regardless of the documentation- What does this phrase mean to you? Discuss with a partner and be.

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Presentation on theme: "The Child in School Mark Jenkins. Every Child Matters Regardless of the documentation- What does this phrase mean to you? Discuss with a partner and be."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Child in School Mark Jenkins

2 Every Child Matters Regardless of the documentation- What does this phrase mean to you? Discuss with a partner and be prepared to feed back your ideas

3 Children in School What issues might children bring with them which the teacher needs to deal with? Consider issues which will have a direct impact on their learning. Make 4 lists of possible responses under the following headings: 1. Cognitive issues 2. Language issues 3. Social Issues 4. Emotional issues Can you come up with 2 for each heading?

4 So which competencies do you want a child to possess? Under the same 4 headings list the skills and abilities you want a child to show. Put these onto the sheet you have been given in the first column Now consider the following wider issues by completing columns 2 and 3 What a teacher needs to do to encourage these competencies and What the school needs to provide for the teacher to help them meet these needs Work in all 4 areas of development

5 So, What Did You Consider Swap your responses with another pair and discuss similarities and differences Discuss your findings with the entire group, we will look at each area of development in turn

6 Observation of a Teacher You are going to watch a short video of a teacher teaching his class Note down 1. The limitations of his teaching against the four areas of development 2. The positive aspects of his approach

7 The Potions Master GqqxnMOg GqqxnMOg

8 Practitioner Pedagogy Discuss your observations What implications are there for good professional practice in the classroom?

9 Schools of the Future The Children’s Plan made, among other things, the following recommendations – consider the implications for your future practice

10 From the Children’s Plan We want every child to succeed, we will never give up on any child... Our education system should prepare...every child to make a success of their life, developing the broader skills, knowledge and understanding that they will need... Every child is inspired to develop a lifelong love of learning Every pupil will go to a school where there is good behaviour, strong discipline, order and safety

11 Children’s Plan (Cont.) Every pupil will go to a school where they are taught a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum including skills for learning and life It remains our absolute priority that every child achieves well in the basics Every pupil will go to a school where they are taught in a way which meets their needs Every pupil will go to a school that promotes their health and physical wellbeing, where they have a chance to express their views and where they and their families are welcomed and valued

12 What We Are Looking For winner As you watch the video reflect upon how you need to approach the classroom environment. Note how the teacher’s inclusive practice develops aspects of language, cognition, socialization and emotional competence as he directly builds relationships with his pupils. Also note how hard he has to work to achieve this, in and out of the classroom, and that he always maintains his professionalism.

13 Mr. May What did you see in the video which might be counted as good practice. Are there any aspects you would aspire to? Discuss around your table and be prepared to feed back

14 Module Evaluation Please fill out a module evaluation sheet This refers only to the professional studies – child development module (other parts of the course will be evaluated separately)

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