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River Intercalibration Phase 2: Milestone 2 reports Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "River Intercalibration Phase 2: Milestone 2 reports Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 River Intercalibration Phase 2: Milestone 2 reports Presented by Wouter van de Bund Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability

2 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG Alpine GIG C-B GIG “round 1” evaluation will start shortly Med GIG Eastern Continental GIG Northern GIG Acidification Rivers - milestone 2 reports

3 Fish, large rivers covered by cross-GIG groups (more detailed presentation on large rivers by Franz Schöll) Phytobenthos, macrophytes, invertebrates - both cross-GIG groups and GIG activities River - milestone 2 reports

4 No milestone report for some groups - no ongoing work: - Alpine GIG - NO GIG (except acidification) No ongoing work for CB GIG macroinvertebrates - evaluation of Round 1 results will start shortly River - milestone 2 reports

5 1 - Responsibilities/Participation 2 - Overview of national methods and 3 - Compliance checking 4 - Methods feasibility check 5 - Collection of IC data set 6 - IC procedure and 7 - Common metrics 8 - Reference Conditions GIG milestone 1 reports overview

6 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 15 MS 24 MS18 MS Alpine GIG n.a.Cross GIG C-B GIG 14 MS most MS in cross GIG Med GIG 7 MS 6 MS GR missing 6 MS GR missing Eastern Continental GIG 5 MS + HR 7 MS + HR Northern GIG NO, FI in ‘CB GIG’ SE in cross GIG 5 MS Participation

7 No big problems with participation Participation

8 Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 15 MS (CB, ALP, NO GIG?) 14 methods Alpine GIG C-B GIG 5-8 finalised ; more in development Med GIG 7 methods, 2 finalised OK (except GR) 7 methods Eastern Continental GIG 4 MS - RO, CZ missing 6 MS - RO missing 8 methods Northern GIG 2 finalised (SE, UK) National Methods

9 Invertebrates: national methods available Phytobenthos: no clear overview, many methods available Macropytes: limited availability Fish: Some MS still lacking methods Large rives: no overview yet National methods

10 Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG ongoing almost completed - good compliance Alpine GIG C-B GIG ongoing; looking good Med GIG wait for method finalisation completed almost completed Eastern Continental GIG ongoing; looking good almost completed ongoing; looking good Northern GIG OK for the 2 methods Compliance Check

11 Completed or ongoing for all BQEs Compliance level generally good: most MS have BQE level assessment methods (no problems with parameter level methods) Issue of macrophytes/phytobenthos as one BQE still to be resolved (but it seems they are mostly treated separately) Compliance checking for large rivers has yet to start Compliance checking

12 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG in progress OK type independent IC approach (split by regional group) Alpine GIG C-B GIG round 1 types Med GIG round 1 types - checking in progress - expected OK round 1 types (RM3 tbc) Eastern Continental GIG need more information round 1 and additional Northern GIG in progress Feasibility Check - Typology

13 Work on IC types still ongoing for all BQEs except fish Some uncertainty still exists on which types can be intercalibrated and which not This is not an obstacle for completing the IC process Feasibility check - typology

14 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG OK Med GIG OK Eastern Continental GIG need more information probably OKOK Northern GIG OK Feasibility Check - Pressures

15 Mostly completed and not considered a problem Feasibility check - pressures

16 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG no problem for IC OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG need more information Med GIG in progress - expected OK OK in progress - expected OK Eastern Continental GIG in progress - differences exist OK Northern GIG OK Feasibility Check - Assessment Concept

17 Macrophytes: still ongoing - may be a problem for intercalibrating all national methods in some GIGs Other BQEs: mostly completed and not considered a problem Feasibility check - Assessment concept

18 Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG 3162 samples from 12 MS 4559 sites from 24 MS ongoing Alpine GIG C-B GIG no details reported - expected OK in progress >1200 samples expected Med GIG 481 samples from 7 MS 1200 samples from 6 MS Eastern Continental GIG 404 samples from 6 MS 1280 samples from 6 MS (HU missing) 1662 samples from 6 MS (HU missing) Northern GIG Acidification Collection of IC data set

19 Data collection progress generally good Phytobenthos, Macroinvertebrates, Fish - sufficient data to carry out intercalibration Macrophytes - number of data points not so high Fish - some MS have not provided data Collection of IC data set


21 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG Option 2 Options 2 and 3 Alpine GIG C-B GIG Options 2 and 3 in parallel Med GIG to be decidedOption 2 Eastern Continental GIG Option 2 Northern GIG Option 3 (?) Intercalibration Options

22 River Phytobenthos/Invertebrate groups have a general preference for Option 2 differences in sampling/processing etc. make it difficult to directly compare using common data set Macrophytes, Fish: both options combined (as recommended in Guidance) Intercalibration options

23 Macrophytes Phytobentho s Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG OK - ‘streamlined’ OK Alpine GIG C-B GIG in development Med GIG not started (follow CB) OK - same as in round 1 Eastern Continental GIG not started (follow CB) OK existing mICM tested Northern GIG in development Intercalibration Common Metrics

24 Fish, Phytobenthos - common metric development successfully completed Macroinvertebrates - common metrics developed in Phase 1, are further tested and refined in some cases Macroinvertebrates Acidification - in development Macrophytes - common metrics still in development Intercalibration Common Metrics

25 MacrophytesPhytobenthos Macro- invertebrates FishLarge rivers Cross GIG ongoing Completed Alpine GIG C-B GIG screening planned Med GIG not started (follow CB) ongoing almost finished Eastern Continental GIG screening planned future Northern GIG not yet Reference Conditions/Benchmarking

26 Fish: completed Macrophytes: not yet started EC GIG: not yet started Phytobenthos: in progress (except EC) Reference Conditions / Benchmarking

27 CB Macrophytes: “time schedule tight - methods will be finalised/updated - third round IC needed to evaluate those updates” Further comments

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