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The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas. KanCare Expansion (Refresher of what we know) 2 It’s Voluntary - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the federal government cannot.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas. KanCare Expansion (Refresher of what we know) 2 It’s Voluntary - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the federal government cannot."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas

2 KanCare Expansion (Refresher of what we know) 2 It’s Voluntary - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the federal government cannot force Medicaid expansion to 138% of the FPL Regardless of a state’s decision, Medicare cuts (including DSH) will occur Federal share is 100% for newly eligible population for 2014, 2015 and 2016; then gradually decreases to 90%

3 Latest Status Across the Country


5 2016 Federal Poverty Level Family Size100% FPL Hours Worked at Minimum Wage133% FPL Hours Worked at Minimum Wage 1 $11,77031$15,65442 2 $15,93042$21,18656 3 $20,09053$26,71971 4 $24,25064$32,25286 5 $28,41075$37,785100 6 $32,57086$43,318115 7 $36,73097$48,850130 8 $40,890108$54,383144

6 Work Status of the newly eligible population


8 Recent Communications Supporting Medicaid Expansion is a “morally reprehensible” position So, rather than focus on these attempts at division, we would rather talk about something that could bring Kansans together: the development of a unique, Kansas-based program that builds on the Governor’s own KanCare program and helps to bring our federal tax dollars back to Kansas. Montgomery County has a population of 35,000 and had two hospitals; the County still has one. States will have to cut spending on other priorities like roads and schools Our mission as family physicians is to provide medical care for all Kansans, not just the insured. With the expansion of KanCare, this mission will be easier to accomplish by providing coverage for our poorest patients with increased revenue for hospitals. This new Kansas solution is not Obamacare. It is centered on our values of hard work and personal responsibility – a solution that does not leave those in need without health care coverage.

9 Hospitals at Risk

10 Impact expanding KanCare has on Kansas’ Hospitals - Does expansion help rural hospitals? Hospital Type# of HospitalsAvg. 2016 Impact per Hospital, per Year Avg. Annual 10-year Impact per Hospital, per Year Critical Access Hospital (CAH)84$255,469$370,255 Rural, Non-CAH16$913,418$1,323,828 Urban28$6,255,445$9,256,302 The proportion of KanCare expansion funding closely resembles the state’s population and service areas.

11 Majority of the Public Continues to Support The Docking Institute of Public Affairs Fort Hays State University October 2015

12 The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas includes : –Personal Responsibility –Limitation to US Citizens and Legal Residents –Requirement of Kansas Residency –Employment as Part of the Solution –Support for Kansas Employers by Supporting Employment and Employer Sponsored Insurance –Focus on Preventive Care –Access to ALL Federal Dollars –State Portion from Beneficiary Contributions, Cost Savings and New Revenue Generated by the Newly Eligible –Withdrawal Option if the Federal Match Goes Below the 90% Level Promised by the ACA

13 Financing Expansion in Kansas – Benefits Outweigh the Costs! $32.3 Million $87.9 million $149.7 Million $202.3 Million

14 KHA’s Message The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas A unique, new Kansas solution. A budget-neutral program. Provides a path to health and personal responsibility.

15 Resources Available

16 Social Media Campaign Print Advertising Available

17 Website Elements

18 Grassroots Advocacy

19 Save the Date

20 Thank You! Together we can build The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas

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