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Boundless Lecture Slides Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Available on the Boundless Teaching Platform.

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1 Boundless Lecture Slides Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Available on the Boundless Teaching Platform

2 Using Boundless Presentations The Appendix The appendix is for you to use to add depth and breadth to your lectures. You can simply drag and drop slides from the appendix into the main presentation to make for a richer lecture experience. Free to edit, share, and copy Feel free to edit, share, and make as many copies of the Boundless presentations as you like. We encourage you to take these presentations and make them your own. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless Teaching Platform Boundless empowers educators to engage their students with affordable, customizable textbooks and intuitive teaching tools. The free Boundless Teaching Platform gives educators the ability to customize textbooks in more than 20 subjects that align to hundreds of popular titles. Get started by using high quality Boundless books, or make switching to our platform easier by building from Boundless content pre-organized to match the assigned textbook. This platform gives educators the tools they need to assign readings and assessments, monitor student activity, and lead their classes with pre-made teaching resources. Get started now at: If you have any questions or problems please email:

3 Boundless is an innovative technology company making education more affordable and accessible for students everywhere. The company creates the world’s best open educational content in 20+ subjects that align to more than 1,000 popular college textbooks. Boundless integrates learning technology into all its premium books to help students study more efficiently at a fraction of the cost of traditional textbooks. The company also empowers educators to engage their students more effectively through customizable books and intuitive teaching tools as part of the Boundless Teaching Platform. More than 2 million learners access Boundless free and premium content each month across the company’s wide distribution platforms, including its website, iOS apps, Kindle books, and iBooks. To get started learning or teaching with Boundless, visit Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at About Boundless

4 Bronze Classical Art The Road to Rome Later Etruscan Art The Etruscans > Later Etruscan Art Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at www.www/ history?campaign_content=book_185_section_69&campaign_term=Art+History&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source=b oundless

5 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Appendix

6 Key terms cinerary urn a vessel used to hold the ash remains of the cremated deceased cista A Latin word for a small box that used to hold unguents, jewels, or toiletries. They are generally used and related to women and domestic functions. engrave To carve text or symbols into (something), usually for the purposes of identification or art. pyxis A small box veristic realistic; true to life Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at The Etruscans

7 Capitoline Wolf Due to the stories about Rome's founding twins, the she-wolf (often shown with suckling boys) became an icon of the city. This she-wolf was either cast in the 5th century BCE or the 13th century CE. The twins were added by the sculputer Pollaiolo in the 15th century CE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "She-wolf of Rome." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on The Etruscans

8 Cista with a battle between Etruscans and Gauls. Cista with a battle between Etruscans and Gauls. Bronze. 3rd century BCE. Praeneste, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Etruscan - Cista with Cover Depicting the Conflict of the Gauls and Etruscans - Walters 54133." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on The Etruscans

9 Chimera of Arezzo Chimera of Arezzo. Bronze. Early 4th century BCE. Arezzo, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Chimera d'arezzo, fi, 04." CC BY-SA,_fi,_04.JPG View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA,_fi,_04.JPGView on The Etruscans

10 Judgment of Paris Mirror with an engraving of the Judgment of Paris. Bronze. 4th-3rd century BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Mirror Judgement of Paris Louvre Bj1734." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on The Etruscans

11 Cinerary Urn Cinerary Urn for a woman with apotropaic imagery. Terracotta. Mid-2nd century BCE. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "MMA etruscan urn 01." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on The Etruscans

12 Charun and Vanth Charun guarding the gate to the Underworld, while Vanth guides the deceased to the gate. Fresco. 3rd century BCE. Tomb 5636, Monterozzi Necropolis, Tarquinia, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Amazon Web Services. "Boundless." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA View on The Etruscans

13 Aule Metele Aule Metele. Bronze. 1st century BCE. Cortona, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "L'Arringatore." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on The Etruscans

14 Sarcophagus of Lars Pulena Sarcophagus of Lars Pulena with figures of Charon and Vanth on the frieze. Tufa. Early 2nd century BCE. Tarquinia, Italy. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikimedia. "Sarcophagus of the magistrate." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA on The Etruscans

15 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at The Etruscans Why was the origin of the Capitoline Wolf disputed? A) An examination of its casting technique suggests it dates to the 13th century CE. B) Radiocarbon dating suggests it dates to the 13th century CE. C) both of these answers D) neither of these answers

16 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 The Etruscans Why was the origin of the Capitoline Wolf disputed? A) An examination of its casting technique suggests it dates to the 13th century CE. B) Radiocarbon dating suggests it dates to the 13th century CE. C) both of these answers D) neither of these answers

17 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at The Etruscans Which figures, also known as the demons of the underworld, begin to appear in Etruscan funerary art during the Roman period? A) Lars Pulena and Charon B) Aule Metele and Lars Pulena C) Aule Metele and Vanth D) Charon and Vanth

18 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 The Etruscans Which figures, also known as the demons of the underworld, begin to appear in Etruscan funerary art during the Roman period? A) Lars Pulena and Charon B) Aule Metele and Lars Pulena C) Aule Metele and Vanth D) Charon and Vanth

19 Attribution Wikipedia. "Bronze mirror." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Lupa capitolina." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Capitoline Wolf." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Chimera of Arezzo." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Etruscan language." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Chimera di Arezzo." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Etruscan history." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "pyxis." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "cista." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "engrave." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Etruscan art." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Vanth." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Etruscan art." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Etruscan history." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Sarcophagi personalization." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Arringatore." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Charun." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at The Etruscans

20 Wikipedia. "Aule Metele." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Boundless Learning. "Boundless." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "cinerary urn." CC BY-SA 3.0 BY-SA 3.0 Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at The Etruscans

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