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SOPHIE Textile Design. What I do. Digital Print Hand Print – Screen Print Mixed Gender Fashion.

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Presentation on theme: "SOPHIE Textile Design. What I do. Digital Print Hand Print – Screen Print Mixed Gender Fashion."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOPHIE Textile Design

2 What I do. Digital Print Hand Print – Screen Print Mixed Gender Fashion

3 Luxury Interiors Hand Drawings Rich Colours What Inspires me?

4 Galleries and Exhibitions

5 Final Collection

6 How do people find me? Instagram- @Sophiecauldwelldesigns- 230+ Followers #sophiecauldwell designs Hash tag everything so you can be found Create your own hash tag so all your images are in one area Blogging- Online Portfolio- Artsthread/sophiecauldwell/profile Links to a Website Facebook- Colchester Fashion & Textiles – Class of 2015 – 250+ likes

7 Plans for the future. What are my options? Working in house as print designer: Fashion Interiors Stationary Accessories Teaching: Teaching Assistant Textile Tutor Owning a Business, making and selling: Prints Garments Wall coverings Soft Furnishings

8 Live Briefs and Exhibitions: New Designers 2015 Graduate Fashion Week 2015 First Site Fashion Show 2015 Nicole Abbot Award- Paul Smith F.A.D OMC Investments/Grey Friars George Menswear Portmeirion

9 Contacts Designers Guild: Kevin Davis Flora Shuttleworth Mentors: Noel Chapman Nancy Taplin Aimee Todd Resources: RA Smart Colour Craft Whaleys Woolcrest GH Leathers Silk Bureau Photographers: David Lam Amelia Bradao Rebecca Fox Deimante Meilune Kyle Galvin Jessica Bailey Printers: John Welsh- Staples Hartnack and Co.- Portfolio Hair and Makeup: Dominic Skinner- Mac Emma Hope- Mac Leanne Green- Freelance MUA Gemma and Louise- Fringe Art Team Pauline McGrath- Hair Stylist

10 Bibliography Timorous Beasties Cole and Sons 17 th and 18 th Century Engravings Designers Guild- Colour by Tricia Guild World of Interiors Elle Decoration Printed Textile Design- Amanda Briggs- Goode The Pattern Book- Carolina Amell Natural History Museum- London- South Kensington Natural History Museum- Colchester- Town Center Colchester Zoo- Stanway

11 Thank you for Listening and are there any Questions?

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