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DO NOW – 12/1/15 In Cornell Notes, write a response to the question below: How can you use word parts to determine the definition of the following words:

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW – 12/1/15 In Cornell Notes, write a response to the question below: How can you use word parts to determine the definition of the following words:"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW – 12/1/15 In Cornell Notes, write a response to the question below: How can you use word parts to determine the definition of the following words: a)Domain* b)Scope* c)Exemplify *tricky How can you use word parts to determine the definition of the following words: a)Domain* b)Scope* c)Exemplify *tricky

2 Topic / Objective & Essential Question Topic / Objective: 1) To identify and practice using vocabulary by using Frayer models. Essential Question: 1) When word parts are of little use, what are other ways to learn vocabulary? Topic / Objective: 1) To identify and practice using vocabulary by using Frayer models. Essential Question: 1) When word parts are of little use, what are other ways to learn vocabulary?

3 Announcements 1)Final Draft of Essay #3 is due – please submit ASAP. 2)Two final journal entries – writing journals will be collected on Monday, 12/7. 1)Final Draft of Essay #3 is due – please submit ASAP. 2)Two final journal entries – writing journals will be collected on Monday, 12/7.

4 Writing Journals 1)Check the website for the journal entry list and instructions. 2)Independent reading journal – write a reflection response on your book for this marking period (if no book, use the reading by Goodall). 1)Check the website for the journal entry list and instructions. 2)Independent reading journal – write a reflection response on your book for this marking period (if no book, use the reading by Goodall).

5 Extra Credit Journal 1)Complete this week’s handouts on Vocab Practice. 2)You can write the answers in your journal or staple/tape the sheets into your books. 3)See the Opt-Out Option. 1)Complete this week’s handouts on Vocab Practice. 2)You can write the answers in your journal or staple/tape the sheets into your books. 3)See the Opt-Out Option.

6 Extra Credit Journal – Opt Out 1)For this week, and future weeks... 2)You can get extra-credit without doing the vocab handouts if use the week’s vocab orally and/or in your writing. 1)For this week, and future weeks... 2)You can get extra-credit without doing the vocab handouts if use the week’s vocab orally and/or in your writing.

7 Is learning new vocabulary important? empowered A: By learning new words, we are empowered to communicate in richer and more complex ways. Making new words a part of everyday speech allows us to have better retention and memory of new vocabulary.

8 Vocab from yesterday Advocate - v – to argue for or plead in favor of Discrete – adj – made up of separate or distinct things or parts Enhance – v – to make better, or add to the value or effectiveness

9 Word Parts Working with parts of words – Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes. Many complex words in English have different parts that help speakers understand their definitions, use, and origins.

10 Word Parts Prefixes – a series of letters appearing before the root or main part of the word. For example, the word “prefix” has the phrase “pre” before the root “fix.” “Pre” means before.

11 Word Parts (Roots or Stems) Root – the main part of a word when prefixes or suffixes are attached to it. For example, in the word “malcontent” MAL is the prefix to the root word, CONTENT.

12 Word Parts - Suffixes Suffix – a series of letters appearing after the root or main part of a word. For example, the phrase “tion” is used to make a verb into a noun, as in how “to revolt” can become “revolution”.

13 Identify Word Parts 1)Break up a word by syllables. 2)Usually, word parts can be separated according to syllable (at least the affixes). Example: cooperation 1)CO | OP | ER | A | TION

14 Be Careful with Roots 1)Roots or “stems” often have different spellings than the actual word. 2) Sometimes roots have Latin or Greek origins, which are reflected in their spellings. Example: cooperation

15 Roots/Stems with Latin or Greek origins Example: cooperation Root/Stem = operate “operate” comes from the Latin, operatus

16 Sometimes Word Parts Do Not Help Us With... Single syllable words... OR Words that have no identifiable affix or root... OR When words have origins in other languages (French or German)

17 Sometimes Word Parts Do Not Help Us With... What do we do? How do we determine the meaning of words like: “scope” (Greek origin) TURN AND TALK (2 MIN)

18 Frayer Models for Vocab A Frayer model is a diagram that helps our brains visually assign meanings to different aspects of a word.

19 Frayer Model Sample DefinitionFacts ExamplesAntonyms/Images/Associations Word/Concept

20 Bullying Definition: Using strength or influence to intimidate someone. Typically involves forcing someone to do something. Facts/Characteristics: 1) Ongoing verbal, physical, or written harassment/abuse. 2) Use of aggression Calling Students names based on their physical appearance ExamplesAntonyms/Images/Associations Bullying

21 YOUR TURN Create a Frayer Model for the following words: a)Domain* b)Scope* c)Exemplify If you finish early, begin working on answering the comprehension questions at the bottom of the handout.

22 New Vocab for today (12/1) a)Domain – n – a sphere of activity b)Scope – n – the size or extent of the activity or subject that is involved c)Exemplify – v – to illustrate by way of example

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