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Ozyorsk Secondary School Named After Dmitry Tarasov Made by Alina Korp Teacher:E.Yuldasheva El Alamein and Stalingrad: Two Wars - Two Victories. Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Ozyorsk Secondary School Named After Dmitry Tarasov Made by Alina Korp Teacher:E.Yuldasheva El Alamein and Stalingrad: Two Wars - Two Victories. Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ozyorsk Secondary School Named After Dmitry Tarasov Made by Alina Korp Teacher:E.Yuldasheva El Alamein and Stalingrad: Two Wars - Two Victories. Research project Ozyorsk 2016

2 Hypothesis: The Battle of Stalingrad is a radical crisis not only in the Great Patriotic War, and the Second World War. Aim: To prove that The Battle of Stalingrad is a radical crisis not only in the Great Patriotic War, and the Second World War. Problems: 1.To reveal as fight for The Battle of El Alamein and The Battle of Stalingrad. 2.To analyze the value of the two battles. Methods: 1. Studying of printing sources. 2. Use of Internet resources. 3. Collecting illustrative material.

3 Preparation The Battle of El Alamein The 2nd New Zealand Division were on the 51st Highland Division left and the 9th Australian Division were on their right. Once on their objectives the 1st Armored Division would pass through them. The 51st Highland Division would assault two brigades up, 154 Brigade on the left, 153 Brigade on the right with 152 Brigades behind. The Division was moved forward in preparation for the attack into defensive "boxes" 25 miles east of El Alamein.

4 The Operation «Supercharge» T he attack commenced on the night of 23/24 October. From the Start Line facing west there were a number of report lines, Green, Red, Black and Blue. These would help to control the artillery fire and monitor the progress. Within various objectives were names with Scottish place names like Perth, Inverness, Keith and Aberdeen.

5 Prelude Army Group South was selected for a sprint forward through the southern Russian steppes into the Caucasusto capture the vital Soviet oil fields there. The planned summer offensive was code-named Fall Blau. It was to include the German 6th, 17th, 4th Panzer and 1st Panzer Armies. Army Group South had overrun the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1941. Poised in Eastern Ukraine, it was to spearhead the offensive.

6 The Battle of Stalingrad On September 3, 1942, the German Sixth Army under Paulus reached the outskirts of Stalingrad, expecting to take the city in short order. But the Russians had built up their defenses and continued to bring in reinforcements. A very able general, V. I. Chuikov, took command of the main defending force, the Sixty-second Army, while Marshal Georgii K. Zhukov, Soviet Russia’s greatest general, planned a counteroffensive.

7 Comparing Stalingrad and El Alamein Historians tend to disagree about the significance of the Battle of Stalingrad for the outcome of the Second World War. Many western scholars claimed that it was not the Battle of Stalingrad, but the British victory at El Alamein, where Montgomery’s Eighth Army triumphed over Rommel’s Afrika Korps in November 1942, that marked the war’s biggest turning point.

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