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Jessica O’Dell Nathaniel Terry Yusuf Abdi Natalie Klavins.

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2 Jessica O’Dell Nathaniel Terry Yusuf Abdi Natalie Klavins

3 Occupational Therapy During my service learning hours I observed two different Occupational Therapists. This was very exciting to me because I would like to be an occupational therapist someday. There were many places where the therapy takes place. We went to the apartments, cottages, clinic and even bedside. Most all residents who received therapy were about 80 years old or above.

4 What it means to me This experience really made me think about how much an Occupational Therapist really does effect someone's life. I became even more interested in pursuing a path in the rehabilitation field after doing the 10 hours of observation because I saw how happy all the residents were when they received therapy.

5 Connection to Coursework The text states that most occupational therapist work with the elderly population. This was true at Cypress Glen because the average age for residents was 84. I observed many different techniques that the therapists used to help a resident. My favorite observation was with the electric stimulation on the nerves of a residents arm. This was very interesting to me because just a small about of electric current can help a persons nerves start to work better.

6 Future Use I learned how the therapist have to be very patient with some residents who are very difficult and stubborn people. This will be very helpful to me in the future because I will know what techniques are needed to work with specific people. I also learned that there is many things that a therapist must have to observe while the resident is in therapy.

7 OT/PT Techniques that the occupational therapist used were: putty, elastic band, games were used during therapy for many residents. Therapy pool was used for gravity free movement to help residents with arthritis. Paraffin wax baths were used for residents who had surgery or carpal tunnel on their wrist to relieve pain and loosen up the area.

8 Other Techniques An ultrasound machine can be used to relieve pain and reduce swelling for the residents. A Hydrocollator moist heating unit was used for hot and cold therapy to loosen up residents muscles. Fluidotherapy dry heat therapy which is a humidity free thermal made of ground up corn husks used to decrease pain and increase mobility.

9 Physical Therapy I observed both a physical therapist and an occupational therapist but mostly the physical therapist. The physical therapist was very interesting to me and after shadowing it had made me realize just how important physical therapy jobs are. Therapy took place in mostly assisted living and apartments.

10 Importance to Me This experience had made me realize that I am not interested in physical therapy and that I want to work in more of the business side of health care. I became more interested in management of a retirement facility or in a hospital setting after being at Cypress Glen and working with a family friend who manages her own health care business.

11 Connection to Coursework At Cypress Glen physical therapists help restore function, relieve pain, improve mobility, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities and that is what the text states. Many residents that the physical therapist saw had disabling conditions, lower back pain, and those having trouble walking. An observation that I enjoyed was hot and cold compressions because it worked well to relieve pain and reduce swelling during therapy.

12 Future Use I learned how therapists have a lot of responsibilities when it comes to administering the residents and filling out paperwork. Therapist have to be very skilled and well rounded. They have to fit in with the rest of the staff at the facility they work at. This has made me realize that this is not what I am interested in.

13 Nursing Home Administration I observed the Executive Director at Cypress Glen. Mrs. Stallings (the executive directory at Cypress Glen) was very interesting leader. As I was shadowing, I realized to be an effective leader you have to know how to communicate. Mrs. Stallings was a busy woman; she constantly had different meetings to attend and get things done for the facility. Mrs. Stallings (far right)

14 Experience I Gained This was an eye-opening experience for me. It gave me an opportunity to see how much responsibility can a person have such as Mrs. Stallings. I also gained knowledge on how to communicate with your staff and how to deal with conflict or problems that might come up. An important thing I learn from Mrs. Stallings, you have to find time for your staff in order for them to realize you care.

15 Connection to Coursework Caretracker database In class, we talked about the impact of technology on the healthcare services. In daily routine, Cypress Glen stuff required to check their tasks in the Caretracker. This caretracker keeps records of what needs to be done or what the staff have done that day. With the help of new technology, the Cypress Glen stuff was more effective in the tasks at hand.

16 Reflection and Significance I also spent my shadowing hours with the Executive Director at Cypress Glen, Mrs. Laurie Stallings. Mrs. Stallings was very personal as well as very professional She heads 7 different assistant directors. She explained to us that first and foremost that her ultimate goal/ responsibility is the complete satisfaction of the residents.

17 Connection To Course In class, we talked about Executive Directors in the terms of Nursing Home Administration (Ch28). B-I-G Responsibilities: Open to diversity, analyze data and understand finance (develop & implement budgets), strong leadership skills, and decision making.

18 Ah- HA Moment After a wellness committee meeting, Mrs. Stallings stayed after to talk to one of the residents about some concerns that he was having regarding the addition being constructed onto the facility. Afterwards, he approached us and told us the respect that he had for her because of just simply listening to him instead of saying she was to busy to talk.

19 Future Learning Throughout this experience, I learned that there is a great deal of things that go on behind the scenes; whether it be budgeting or keeping up with residents in and out of the facility. But the most important is customer satisfaction. I’ve also learned that you can gain more from listening to the individuals that surround you than you can form just barking out orders all the time (win as a team, lose as a team). In turn this creates RESPECT within your staff.

20 Cypress Glenn University Project We had Andrew a sophomore student at East Carolina University the president of the Ballroom Dance Club come to Cypress Glen and do a presentation about many types of ball room dance. He did demonstrations to teach and show the residents about the “Shag, Foxtrot and Waltz”. The brochure was given to the residents to give more information about the types of dance.


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