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Biology- Classification 7 th grade Science Part 2 Standard 3.3.7.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology- Classification 7 th grade Science Part 2 Standard 3.3.7.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology- Classification 7 th grade Science Part 2 Standard 3.3.7.A

2 II. Classification of Living Things A. History 1. Early civilizations classified living things in a variety of ways. 2. The uses of common names and language differences increased the complexity of the various systems. 3. In the 1700’s a Swedish scientist, Carl von Linne (Latin: Carolus Linnaeus) grouped organisms according to similar characteristics and gave each a two-part name.


4 B. Linne’s System – Organisms are grouped according to similarities in structure and function; 1. kingdom – divisions based upon cellular organizations and methods of nutrition a. moneran (bateria) b. protists (amebas) c. fungi (mold) d. plants e. animals

5 2. phylum (phyla) 3. class 4. order 5. family 6. genus – members share many characteristics, but generally do not breed with one another 7. species – share the same characteristics, but may vary in size, color, etc. can mate and reproduce

6 Classification of YOU

7 Taxonomy C. Scientific names – Each organism has two names: its genus and its species name. 1. Felis (genus of cats, lions) + domesticus (species) = Felis domesticus (housecat) 2. Homo (genus of humans) + sapiens (species) = Homo sapiens (modern man)

8 Now you find them Find the scientific ( 2 part latin) name for: Portobello mushroomParrot SlothAlligator CowDaisy WolfLobster

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