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Engage Students with Unstructured Web-based Math Tasks by Marcia Torgrude

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Presentation on theme: "Engage Students with Unstructured Web-based Math Tasks by Marcia Torgrude"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engage Students with Unstructured Web-based Math Tasks by Marcia Torgrude

2 AGENDA Unstructure a math task Experience a web-based unstructured math task Locate sites with web-based unstructured math tasks



5 UNSTRUCTURE A MATH TASK Group for each problem Discuss the problem List all the decisions that are being made for students Revise the structured problem Hand back some of the decisions to the students

6 COMPARE STRUCTURED AND UNSTRUCTURED What decisions have been left for the students? What pedagogical issues will arise when you start to use unstructured problems like this? Consider strategies for offering help Which ideas do you normally find most difficult to implement? Why is this? Is there any other advice you would add to this list?

7 STACKING CUPS Launch – Stacking Cups Video Stacking Cups Video How many cups does it take for the stacks to be equal in height? Estimate, how much is too much, too little? What information would be useful to know and how would you get it? Stacking Cups – Andrew Stadel

8 ADDITIONAL TASKS Illustrative Math Site Dan Meyers 3 act videos Shell center Estimation 180 Fawn Nguyen 180 Days of Unstructured Tasks


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