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The instruction media for Thai wisdom in location selection of Rattanakosin island Somsakul Jerasilp & Jong Boonpracha Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,

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Presentation on theme: "The instruction media for Thai wisdom in location selection of Rattanakosin island Somsakul Jerasilp & Jong Boonpracha Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The instruction media for Thai wisdom in location selection of Rattanakosin island Somsakul Jerasilp & Jong Boonpracha Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok Thailand

2 Introduction : Description of the problems Wisdom in selecting a wise location to be a capital city was a high-level science that ancestors accumulated from their experience and their knowledge over a long period of time. Such wisdom was a foundation from the beginning to strengthen and grow a city into a kingdom that flourished in the future. ***The determination on a site selection included the fact that the location was near water resource and was situated in a good geographical environment*** (Sujit Wongthes, 2012) including good weather leading to growth of households, economic security, trivial natural disasters, rare enemy attack which provided residents with peace and prosperity.

3 In Thailand, the consideration for the settlement of the city location near the water source was the most important factor. Although this factor was crucial, the choice of the location in this case still varied by the detail of locations as well as the influences from cultural differences. For the lowland in the central plain of Thailand, the consideration in picking a good location for the settlement of the city was mainly the areas having clay ridge along the river,called “natural levee” (Sitthard Srikotr, 2012).

4 Generally, the floodplain of the lower Chao Phraya river basin in the central part of Thailand was a bit slope and the flow of river look crooked like horseshoes. In the meander of this river, the outside was eroded, while the inside of the bend caused the deposit of sediments into the soil on the river bank (Noppadhon Palaprasert, 2014). From this concept, the King Rama I re-established the capital on the best strategic location in the eastern river bank called Rattanakosin island.

5 This area was suitable and sustainable in terms of physical location and it was consistent with the royal treatise of the war strategy that the area surrounding the river was natural defenses, including the series of moats created in this area. The inner and outer moat acted as barriers to the east and the transportation in the city. The comparative of Rattanakosin island and the royal treatise of the war strategy

6 ** They were widely served as important drainage paths during the flooding season while the surrounding ground was submerged and transformed into a sea of mud. Additionally, they were a good natural defenses when enemy attacked the capital ** (see the map below)

7 Map showed: The Cross -section area of high &low leval in Bangkok ( The Rattanakosin island is a high-leval areas among the low-leval areas in eastside of Chao Praya River)

8 Map showed : Rattanakosin Island was one of survival areas in the great flood 2011

9 For the reasons mentioned, the King and his ancestors had to gain experience and wisdom to create environment aimed for well-being of the future generations. Unfortunately, the knowledge and the understanding were lacked of teaching and continuity, therefore, the future generation should recognize and take development and improvement of the Thai wisdom into account. Studying the creation and the development of the instruction media aimed for succeeding the Thai local wisdom on this site selection helped young people to realize and understand the great wisdom. The major objective of this research was to study and convey such knowledge to the future generations for sustainable understanding.

10 Objective of study To study the creation and the development of the instruction media for succeeding the Thai local wisdom in terms of location selection of the Rattanakosin island

11 Research Procedure This research was divided into two stages 1) A study to find out the information for complement in the creation and design. 2) The creation and the development of the instruction media

12 Research Procedure Scope of study Population of the study comprised students, people, and youths who stayed in the Rattanakosin island.The sample in this study consisted of 400 samples of the mentioned group derived by specific sampling technique, all samples inhabited in the communities in the Rattanakosin island and they studied at Suan Sunandha University.

13 Research Procedure Research instrument Questionnaires consisting of 2 parts were used to ask the sampling group. Part 1 was aimed for the information for complement in the creation and design. Part 2 was focused on the group’s opinions on the application of the instruction media for the location selection of the Rattanakosin island and the evaluation form to measure the effectiveness of this instruction media.

14 Research Procedure Data collection The revised questionnaires were administered to the sampling group at Suan Sunandha University. They were asked to complete the questionnaires and return to the researcher. 400 sets (or 100% of the sampling group) of the questionnaires were returned completely to the three specialists who later assessed appropriateness of the design and they tested and evaluated the instruction media at the end of the assessment process.

15 Research Procedure Data analysis The data were analyzed by a computer program to find arithmetic mean, and S.D. with the following 5 rating scales ranged below. 4.21-5.00 Very high 3.41-4.20 High 2.61-3.40 Moderate 1.81-2.60 Low 1.00-1.80 Very low The interpretation of S.D. Between 0.00-0.99, it was referred to no significant difference. More than 1.00 was referred to significant difference.

16 Results of study The information for the study was consisted of two main parts; 1) The information for complement in the creation and design. 2) The creation and the development of the instruction media.

17 The information for complement in the Creation and Design The search for analysis of instruction media to complement the creation and design was consisted of 4 types; 1)The media in illustration & slide 2)The media in animation & moving picture 3)The media in blended learning media 4)The media in model & explanation

18 The information for complement in the Creation and Design The blended learning media was the most appropriate type and was rated with a very high score in terms of the users’ understanding towards the content and the objective, users’ perception on the details, the presentation techniques, the learning activities, and their interest & encouragement in learning and satisfaction. Also, the mean score of all categories were 4.57,4.57,4.42,4.53,4.12,4.68 and 4.60 with a standard deviation of 0.45,0.54,0.45,0.75,0.45,0.64 and 0.85.

19 The information for complement in the Creation and Design The instruction media presented in chapters was the most appropriate form and was rated in a very high score for its clear and easy format to understand, sequence of events, interest and engagement, satisfaction, suitability in the overall. Moreover, the mean score of all categories was 4.53, 4.54, 4.25, 4.51 and 4.60 with a standard deviation of 0.64, 0.84, 0.54, 0.21 and 0.63

20 The creation and development of the instruction media The creation and the development of the instruction media process was created by 50 students in the design field and 50 youths in this study area. The design sketch was to gain the approval from the three experts. The result revealed that the principles of the Thai local wisdom in this location were related to the four factors. 1) This location was in alignment with the royal treatise on the war strategy and the local wisdom. 2) The location was in compliance with geographical and political safety and security. 3) The location was in consistence with its future urban development. 4) This location was suitable and sustainable in terms of physical location, transportation and social economy.

21 The creation and development of the instruction media To make it easier to communicate and present, the storyboards were segregated into eight sections consisting of 1) Tittle 2) Content 3) Concept and wisdom 4) Locationwise for safety and sustainability 5) Locationwise for the future developmentt 6) Position &location of palaces 7) The origin of the zoning area 8) Conclusion as shown in the Fig.1

22 Fig. 1. The story board was consisted of eight sections The creation and development of the instruction media

23 After the story board was finished.The instruction media was designed to interact with the content, the image and the icon used in order to make it easy to learn and communicate. Besides, it could be linked to video and social media such as YouTube as shown in the fig.2-a- fig2.b. Fig. 2-a. The final design of instruction media.

24 The creation and development of the instruction media Fig. 2-b. The final design of instruction media

25 The creation and development of the instruction media When the final design was finished. It led to the evaluation in the eights important categories by the three experts. The mean score of all categories were high & very high score and the results were shown in the Table 3 below.

26 The creation and development of the instruction media In the next step, the final design evaluated by the experts was tested by the students of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University who lived in this area inclusive of 400 people. With the results of evaluation from the students in post- test was higher score than the pre-test. The comparative results showed in the table 4 – 5

27 The creation and development of the instruction media Table 4 & 5 compared the evaluation results obtained from the students in pre-test and post-test. The comparison illustrated that this instruction media contributed to the development of learning was improved significantly in all categories in very high-level and high-level scores.

28 Conclusion The findings pointed out that the presentation of the instruction media for succeeding the Thai wisdom in terms of location selection of the Rattanakosin island 1) the instruction media should be the blended learning media that combined pictures, moving image or video and could be linked to social media such as YouTube. They also should interact with the learners 2) The content should be divided into the chapters or small parts, as this helped users to establish the sequence of events. 3) Creating beautiful images and simple icons also helped to create better and faster interest and understanding of the content.

29 Suggestion of study The results of this study can be used to apply with the design of instruction media. Some suggestions for a more effective application are as follows. 1. The research results contributed to the understanding of the context and the wisdom should be served as a case study for strategic design of the physical environment, architecture and analysis on project locations. 2. More than 200 years of the wisdom, it is difficult to find evidence through interviews from persons and most researching evidence was recorded in the past. For the next research, there should be supplementary on physical surveys that are comparable with the past and the current conditions which will enhance the transcription of the wisdom for better choosing the location. 3. This result should be treated as a guideline to develop the instruction media that students can learn from by themselves and they can interact with the media.

30 Acknowledgements This paper was successful thanks to the co-operations of various people, specialist experts, designers, leaders and community representatives, lecturers and students from the design department of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The researchers would like to thank you everyone for their participation in this research. Lastly, we would like to show our deepest gratitude to the Higher Education Research Promotion and the National Research Universities, the Office of the Higher Education Commission and the Research Institute of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University for giving us the opportunity and a scholarship to conduct this research.

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