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Science Test on Clouds, Water Cycle, Weather Station.

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1 Science Test on Clouds, Water Cycle, Weather Station

2 1. _____Clouds form in blanklet-like layers Stratus Clouds

3 2. Puffy clouds that appear to rise up from a flat bottom are ________ clouds Cumulus

4 3. _____ Clouds form at high altitudes out of ice crystals and have a wispy featherlike shape. Cirus

5 4. If rain or snow falls from a cloud, the term ______(which means “rain”) is added to the cloud’s name. nimbo

6 5. As water vapor rises higher and higher in the sky it ____ and may form _____ Condenses Clouds

7 6. All clouds form in the _____________________ or the lowest layer of the atmosphere. troposphere

8 7. Clouds are grouped in families by their __________and _________ Shape Height

9 8._________Clouds are usually present during fair weather, but can turn into thunderclouds Cumulus Play the cloud matching game

10 9. The __________is most responsible for our weather and warming the water and land. Sun The Water Cycle

11 10. ____________Water which accumulates on the soil surface as a result of rainfall and flows over the soil surface from higher to lower land. Run-off

12 11. The process of liquid becoming water vapor as it leaves the earth’s surface and enter the atmosphere is called __________ Evaporation

13 12. Liquid or frozen water droplets fall to Earth as rain, snow, sleet or hail is called __________________ Precipitation

14 13. On a hot sunny day, I hung my clean clothes on the line to dry. As the clothes dry the water ___________________into the _______________air evaporates Warm

15 14. A puddle may change shape and become smaller on a hot sunny day because it is changing from a ______to a _____which we call, evaporation liquid gas

16 15. _________energy, or energy from the sun is the type of energy responsible for evaporation. Solar

17 16. When warm air full of water vapor meet cool air, _________ occurs in the form of tiny water droplets, similar to the droplets we found on the outside of our glasses. condensation

18 17. Tiny water droplets attach to dust particles in the sky and form ______________________ Clouds

19 18. A ______________ measures the pressure in the air Barometer Weather Station Look at the pointer on the barometer. 1. What type weather will you have based on the barometric pressure? Barometer 2. What number would the pointer be on to tell us it is going to be a sunny day? Cloudy 1030 barometric pressure

20 humidity 19. A hygrometer measures ____________________ or the moisture in the air Bonus: If the temperature is zero degrees, then what would reading would be on the hydrometer? 25% If it is zero degrees outside, would it be winter or summer? Winter

21 20. A _________ is a glass tube that measures the air temperature. Thermometer Approximately what temperature is it? Would it be cold, warm or hot outside? 75 degrees and warm outside

22 21. As we checked out weather station, we became ___________________ or people that study the weather and deep data about its patterns meteorologist

23 22. To find the average monthly temperature for Raleigh, NC you would _____the temperature for each day and then ______the sum the total number of days in the month. add divide Mon 75 0 Tue 74 0 Wed 76 0 Thurs 75 0 Fri73 0 Sat77 0 Sun75 0 Total525 527÷7 = 75 0

24 23. Warm air rises and is called ________ updrafts

25 24. A_________ is cool air falling back to the earth’s surface. Drown draft

26 25. Air that moves horizontally is called _________. It is created by the heating and cooling rates of soil and water. wind

27 26. The weight of air can also be called air ________. A high pressure system will usually be followed by sunshine. pressure Where is the high pressure Moving toward? East, West, North or south? Moving East

28 27. The thinner air affects temperature because thin air holds less ___________. heat

29 28. _________ usually follows a high pressure system. Which picture represents this statement Sunshine, A

30 29. High winds will most likely cause temperatures to _______________ decrease

31 30. The temperature at the ______of the mountain is cooler that the temperature at the ________ of the mountain. top bottom Mountain goats go (migrate) up the mountain in the summer to cool off. Mountains, Sea breezes & latitude

32 31. As you get closer to the center of the Earth or the _________ temperatures tend to be warmer, these areas are called tropical. equator

33 32. Sue lives in Oklahoma and has no large bodies of water near her. Sue most likely experiences warm ______and cool winters. Tom lives near the Pacific Ocean in San Francisco, California (CA) where temperatures are less varied from season to season. summers

34 33. In our soil and water experiment, the soil represented the _______ and the water represented lakes and oceans. earth

35 34. Soil tends to heat up and cool down fast while ______takes longer to heat but holds the warmth longer. water

36 35. You are walking on the beach and feel the warm sand under your feet. The water is still cool. This is because the sun warms ______more quickly than _____. soil water You go to the beach in May and the air temperature is 90 degrees, but beach water is still cold. Why?

37 What was your score? 1 st time______ 2 nd time______ 3 rd time______ Great Job!!!

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