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By: Grace J.  Chapter 1:Introduation  Chapter 2:Safety first  Chapter 3:RULES  Chapter4:possessions  Chapter 5:materials  Chapter 6:teckneaks 

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Presentation on theme: "By: Grace J.  Chapter 1:Introduation  Chapter 2:Safety first  Chapter 3:RULES  Chapter4:possessions  Chapter 5:materials  Chapter 6:teckneaks "— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Grace J

2  Chapter 1:Introduation  Chapter 2:Safety first  Chapter 3:RULES  Chapter4:possessions  Chapter 5:materials  Chapter 6:teckneaks  Glossary

3 As I watched my brother Robbie play soccer I wondered “ should I play soccer?“ the next day I tried playing soccer with Robbie. I wasn’t very good so I asked him “how do you play” I wanted to know the rules and how to do all of the fancy teckneaks. After time I learned how to pay it. I really like it I hope you do to.

4 When you play goalie you should wear gloves to protect your hands from getting slapped by the ball. You can also wear a mouth guard, I don’t. a mouth guard protects your teeth. You should put your hair up in a pony tail or a bun so your hair dose not get in your face while your playing.

5 There are four possessions in soccer. The first possession is goalie. The second possession is defense. The third possession is center. The fourth possession is foreword. Goalie – protects the goal defense- helps defend the goal Center- runs up and down the field Foreword- try’s to score goals

6 Rules in soccer can be easy to remember. Like you can’t touch the ball with your hands if your not the goalie. If you purposely kick or trip someone you get a yellow card. If you get a red card you have to sit out the rest of the game. If you pass the ball to the goalie the goalie can not pick the ball up. The goalie can only kick the ball. If you hurt someone you get a penalty. If you get a penalty the either team gets a free shot at the goal. Your team can block the goal so they miss.

7 What do you need for soccer? You need shin guards, soccer socks, cleats, soccer shorts, and team uniform. You would also want to put on a head band and hair tie so you can see. You should also bring lots of water. you should do this because you don’t want your hair to get in your mouth or block you vision.

8 There are a couple teckneaks that I know. They are really easy is you practice. pull back, punt, head punt, dribble, seizers, shuffling and crisscross. The basic teckneak is dribbling. there are probably lots more teckneks that you can learn.

9  Mouth guard –for protecting your teeth.  Purposely –with clear and known purpose  Slapped – to strike with or as if with the open hand  Penalty – a punishment or handicap given for breaking a rule in a sport or game Dribbling – to move forward by kicking

10 Grace is a avid soccer player. She has been playing soccer for four years. Grace likes doing because she likes to run and play goalie. She has different hobby's to, like biking tubing, cooking, running, swimming, wave boarding and lots more. Grace has two fish their names are tom and jerry. Her favorite food is thick and creamy Mac and cheese. Grace lives in Beverly hills and go’s to school at Covington/ Bcs. Grace is currently reading Michigan Chillers (Petoskey) book 3.

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