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+ It Gets Better Bullying By Ashley Rolling. + It is not the job of the victim to stop being bullied. It is the bully’s job to stop bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "+ It Gets Better Bullying By Ashley Rolling. + It is not the job of the victim to stop being bullied. It is the bully’s job to stop bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 + It Gets Better Bullying By Ashley Rolling

2 + It is not the job of the victim to stop being bullied. It is the bully’s job to stop bullying

3 + 57% of students who experience harassment in school never report the incident to the school. 10% of those who do not report stay quiet because they do not believe that teachers or staff can do anything. As a result, more than a quarter of students feel that school is an unsafe place to be. 9 out of 10 LGBT youth reported being verbally harassed at school in the past year because of their sexual orientation Researchers feel that bullying should not be treated as part of growing up (with the attitude “kids will be kids").

4 + The most common reason cited for being harassed is a student's appearance or body size. 2 out of 5 teens feel that they are bullied because of the way that they look

5 + “Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones

6 + Prevention to End Bullying Conduct assessments in your school to determine how often bullying occurs, where it happens, how students and adults intervene, and whether your prevention efforts are working. It is important for everyone in the community to work together to send a unified message against bullying. Launch an awareness campaign to make the objectives known to the school, parents, and community members. Establish a school safety committee or task force to plan, implement, and evaluate your school's bullying prevention program. Create a mission statement, code of conduct, school-wide rules, and a bullying reporting system. Reinforce positive social interactions and inclusiveness.

7 + Respond to Bullying Stop Bullying on the Spot Find out what happened Support the kids involved Be more than a bystander

8 + Stop Bullying

9 + It Gets Better

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