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Fire Safety Training. Contents The 'Triangle of Fire' Good housekeeping Company fire safety procedures New fire safety signs Dealing with Smoke Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Safety Training. Contents The 'Triangle of Fire' Good housekeeping Company fire safety procedures New fire safety signs Dealing with Smoke Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Safety Training

2 Contents The 'Triangle of Fire' Good housekeeping Company fire safety procedures New fire safety signs Dealing with Smoke Types of extinguisher Types of fire Using fire equipment

3 Fire Safety Training Fire Elements Fire is a chemical reaction caused when: Heat Fuel Oxygen come together in sufficient quantities If any of the above are missing a fire will not occur If any are removed the fire will be extinguished

4 Fire Safety Training The Fire Triangle Heat, fuel and oxygen are required to create a fire.

5 Fire Safety Training The best way to remove HEAT from a fire is to use a water fire extinguisher if it is suitable.

6 A good way of removing the FUEL available to a fire is to move flammable materials away from the fire Fire Safety Training

7 The best way to remove OXYGEN from a fire is: 1. Keep the fire doors shut 2. Keep the windows shut 3. Use a foam fire extinguisher 4. Use a fire blanket

8 Fire Safety Training Ignition Sources Sparks Hot surfaces Electrical equipment Static electricity Smoking materials Naked flames

9 Fire Safety Training Fuel Flammable Gases Liquids Solids

10 Fire Safety Training Oxygen From the air Oxidising substances

11 Fire Safety Training The three together equals: FIRE!

12 Fire Safety Training The Most Common Causes of Fire Are: 1.ARSON up to 20,000 fires per year 2.FAULTY ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES up to 5,500 per year 3.Misuse of appliances up to 4,200 per year 4.Smoking and careless handling of hot substances

13 Fire Safety Training Housekeeping Fire safety is often the result of good housekeeping. The application of simple routine precautionary measures and regular planned maintenance can substantially reduce the risks of fire. Every employee has a legal responsibility to help prevent fire at work.

14 Fire Safety Training Housekeeping Solid materials such as wood, paper, cardboard and textiles must be disposed of and stored correctly to avoid Class A fires. Such fires are extinguished by cooling which is achieved by using water.

15 Fire Safety Training Housekeeping Flammable liquids or liquefied solids should be stored safely in fire resisting storerooms if over 50 litres or in special metal cupboards if less than 50 litres.Class B fires. Such fires are extinguished by carbon dioxide, dry powder, light water and vaporising liquid. Foam can also be used for fires which involve liquids not soluble in water.

16 Fire Safety Training Housekeeping Ensure all fire doors are free of locks and are easy to operate. Keep fire escape routes clear of obstructions at all times. Delegate these DAILY chores to the fire monitor. Make yourself familiar with fire escape routes, these will be identified through health and safety induction training and fire drills.

17 Fire Safety Training Electrical appliances: Do not overload power points. NEVER run cables under carpets or other floor coverings. Check cables regularly for wear. Unplug all appliances when not in use. Report defects immediately and do not use the appliance until it is repaired.

18 Fire Safety Training Procedures - Smoking Over 2,500 casualties per year are the result of incorrect or careless disposal of smoker's materials. Smoking is now only permitted outside or in specially constructed Smoking Shelters. DO NOT carelessly throw away cigarette butts or matches. NEVER use waste bins or coffee cups as ashtrays. Use specially erected wall mounted or free standing ashtrays in the Smoking Shelter

19 Fire Safety Training Procedures What action to take in case of fire. Make sure you know: How to raise the alarm. Your nearest fire escape route. Where your assembly point is situated. Where the fire extinguishers are and how to use it. How to deal with hazardous equipment e.g. gas cylinders.

20 Fire Safety Training Procedures On discovering a fire: Raise the alarm.

21 Fire Safety Training Procedures On discovering a fire: Raise the alarm. Advise someone in authority of the location of the fire.

22 Fire Safety Training Procedures On discovering a fire: Raise the alarm Advise someone in authority of the location. Call the fire brigade - 999

23 Fire Safety Training Procedures On discovering a fire: Raise the alarm. Advise someone in authority of the location. Call the fire brigade. Where appropriate, switch off all equipment and machinery.

24 Fire Safety Training Procedures On discovering a fire: Raise the alarm. Advise someone in authority of the location. Call the fire brigade. Where appropriate, switch off all equipment and machinery. Close windows and doors when leaving the room.

25 Fire Safety Training Procedures On discovering a fire: Raise the alarm. Advise someone in authority of the location of the fire. Call the fire brigade. Where appropriate, switch off all equipment and machinery. Close windows and doors when leaving the room. Proceed quickly to the nearest fire exit, follow the fire safety signs.

26 Fire Safety Training Procedures If the fire is only small and you feel confident, attack it with the correct fire extinguisher, always leaving an escape route to the rear. If the fire continues to grow GET OUT. If the fire involves gas or hazardous materials, I.e, petrol, gas cylinders, GET OUT

27 Fire Safety Training Evacuation On Hearing the Fire Alarm: Leave by the nearest fire exit escorting visitors / customers to an assembly point. Evacuation should take no more than 3 minutes

28 Fire Safety Training Evacuation On Hearing the Fire Alarm: Leave by the nearest fire exit escorting visitors / customers. Do not use a lift.

29 Fire Safety Training Evacuation On Hearing the Fire Alarm: Leave by the nearest fire exit escorting visitors / customers. Do not use a lift. Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

30 Fire Safety Training Evacuation On Hearing the Fire Alarm: Leave by the nearest fire exit escorting visitors / customers. Do not use a lift. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Report to your designated assembly point and the designated person in charge.

31 Fire Safety Training Evacuation On Hearing the Fire Alarm: Leave by the nearest fire exit escorting visitors / customers. Do not use a lift. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Report to your assembly point. Never return to the building until told to do so.

32 Fire Safety Training Evacuation People with Impaired Mobility The company will: Identify everyone who may need help to get out. Allocate specific staff to help disabled people in the event of an emergency (buddies). Enable people to summon help in an emergency. Consider all escape routes.

33 Fire Safety Training Fire Safety Signs Directional signs are provided where they will help people find a safe escape route.

34 Fire Safety Training Fire Safety Signs These signs are located next to Fire safety equipment. a. Fire extinguisher must not be removed except in an emergency. b. Fire alarm point. c. Fire fighting equipment stored inside. d. Fire hose reel.

35 Fire Safety Training Fire Safety Signs A simple fire action sign

36 Fire Safety Training Smoke If you see smoke coming from behind a closed door never open it. Before opening any door,in a fire situation, test the doors temperature by using the back of your hand. If a fire is on the other side, by opening the door your life will be at risk. If you are trapped in a smoke filled room try to keep as low as possible and crawl out. Only climb out of an upstairs window as a last resort.

37 Fire Safety Training Fire and First Aid - Burns Don’t apply any ointments or creams to the burn. Don’t burst any blisters. The blister acts as a protection. If you break it you may infect the wound. Don’t remove anything (including clothing) that is sticking to the burn. Don’t delay in getting proper medical attention.

38 Fire Safety Training Fire and First Aid – Burns Burns will carry on causing damage, even after the heat source has been removed.So the first priority is to cool the wound by applying copious amounts of water. Cooling may take 10 minutes or even more. NOTE: This must not delay calling for proper medical help.

39 Fire Safety Training Fire and First Aid – Burns Once cooling is under way, remove any constrictive items such as belts, shoes and jewellery from the area of the burn. DO NOT remove items that are sticking to the burn. Cover the burn to protect it from infection. If a proper dressing is not available, use some NON-FLUFFY, CLEAN material, e.g. a freshly laundered sheet, or a clean plastic bag.

40 Fire Safety Training Types of Fires Different extinguishers are used for tackling different types of fire. A = Paper, wood & textiles fires. B = Flammable liquid fires. C = Flammable gas fires. D = Specialist metal fires. E = Electrical fires. F = Cooking oil fires.

41 Fire Safety Training Types of Extinguisher Type A - Water, Foam or Powder. Type B – Foam or Powder. Type C – Powder or Foam. Type D – Special Powder – Specialist training required. Type E – CO2 or Powder.


43 Fire Safety Training Using a Fire Extinguisher Locate and pull out the safety pin. Aim the nozzle towards the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle and move the hose from side to side.

44 Fire Safety Training Using a Fire Hose Reel Open the valve fully. Unwrap the hose from the drum. Twist the end nozzle to release the water flow. Aim at the fire base. Never use on Live Electrics

45 Fire Safety Training Using a Fire Blanket Pull down the tapes. Fully open the blanket ensuring your hands are protected. Place the blanket over the flames. Locate and turn off the fuel supply.

46 This is to Certify --------------------------------------------- Has successfully completed FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS TRAINING

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