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How to Create and Use a “Spelling and Vocabulary Fortune Teller” Mrs. Ferris- Second Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create and Use a “Spelling and Vocabulary Fortune Teller” Mrs. Ferris- Second Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create and Use a “Spelling and Vocabulary Fortune Teller” Mrs. Ferris- Second Grade

2 Do you want to learn how to create your very own Spelling and Vocabulary Fortune Teller? Well, you are in luck! Just follow all of the steps on this PowerPoint to create it! Then get practicing, because we have a Spelling test tomorrow!

3 Step 1: First, use scissors to cut out the square on the dotted line on the print out. Step 2: Second, fold two opposite diagonal corners together, then open back up.

4 Step 3: Next, fold the other two opposite corners together, then open it back up. Step 4: You should now have folded lines like this. The lines cross at the center of the paper.

5 Step 5: Flip the paper over so that it is “bubble side” up. Fold all for corners to the center of the paper. Step 6: When all four corners are folded your catcher will look like this. Under each colored flap write four vocabulary words and their definitions.

6 Step 7: Flip your paper over so the flaps are face down. Step 8: Again, fold all four corners to the center of the paper.

7 Step 9: When all four corners are folded, your Spelling and Vocabulary Fortune Teller will look like this. Write a spelling word where each of the numbers are in this example. Step 10: Next, fold the paper top-to-bottom, then open it up and fold it again left- to-right. Keep it folded at this point. It should look like this. On each of the colored squares write your last four spelling words, one on each square.

8 Step 11: Slide your thumbs and index fingers under the four flaps. Step 12: Finally, rotate your hands, bringing your thumbs and index fingers together. The fortune teller should expand. The inside triangles will disappear inside, like the middle of a flower when the petals close. Then open and play!

9 To Play/Practice for your test follow these directions: Find a partner to play with, and start with your Fortune Teller closed. Have your partner pick a spelling word. When they pick the spelling word open-and-close the Fortune Teller once for each letter in the spelling word, spelling the word out loud, and leaving it open at the end so that you can see the inside spelling words. Next, have your partner choose one of the four spelling words inside, then close-and-open the Fortune Teller once for each letter in the spelling word, spelling the word out loud, and again ending with it open. Lastly, have your partner choose one of the four spelling words again, and before opening the flap to reveal a vocabulary word and definition spell the word correctly.

10 Have fun, and Good Luck on your Spelling test tomorrow!!!

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