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Happy with the world ?. crazy politics and incessant conflicts?

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Presentation on theme: "Happy with the world ?. crazy politics and incessant conflicts?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy with the world ?

2 crazy politics and incessant conflicts?

3 Do you fully appreciate the crisis of humanity and our planet?

4 What if something clarified how we operate socially, economically and politically?

5 working without dogma and enhancing the world’s respected creeds

6 Having united the wise through history (the only thing that has)

7 inferred by the word LOVE the essence of all teaching

8 the type of LOVE Lennon said was all you needed

9 Even enshrined by the United Nations in its secular Charter

10 And because it’s not ours - not ours to withhold or deny anyone

11 ending our desire to be judgemental giving all the right to privacy

12 MAKING violence & hate meaningless And Even anger less relevant

13 Not just profoundly liberating But capable of radically changing society

14 e Ultimately setting us free to celebrate diversity

15 So here’s A Question ?

16 is respect for strangers natural to A civilised society?

17 That is - Can you respect EVERYONE?

18 (Without costing anything) Find out how to change the world


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