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Special Adjectives that Compare I can identify, correctly use, and spell irregular (special) adjectives that compare.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Adjectives that Compare I can identify, correctly use, and spell irregular (special) adjectives that compare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Adjectives that Compare I can identify, correctly use, and spell irregular (special) adjectives that compare.

2 Review Comparative – comparing 2 items or people Keyword: than Superlative – comparing more than 2 items or people

3 Irregular (Special) Adjectives AdjectiveComparativeSuperlative goodbetterbest badworseworst much, manymoremost little (amount) lessleast

4 For Example Harriet Tubman believed in a good cause. (regular) She knew that freedom was better than slavery. (comparative) The Underground Railroad was the best route to freedom. (superlative) NEVER use “more better”

5 For Example There were some bad auditions on “The Voice”. (regular) Some were worse than others. (comparative) The people who scream are the worst. (superlative) NEVER use worstest, worster, badder, or baddest

6 For Example Many students want to earn good grades. (regular) Some are more diligent than others. (comparative) Those who work hard are most successful. (superlative)

7 YOUR TURN! 1. After her husband’s death, Eleanor Roosevelt did even (much) work than before. more

8 YOUR TURN! 2. Mrs. Roosevelt’s newspaper column was (good) than many other newspaper columns. better

9 YOUR TURN! 3. She gave her (good) efforts to the United Nations. best

10 YOUR TURN! 4. Perhaps she did her (good) work of all in the cause of peace. best

11 YOUR TURN! 5. Which of her speeches is the (good)? best

12 YOUR TURN! 6. She had (many) projects than the previous first ladies. more

13 YOUR TURN! 7. She may have been the (good) writer of them all. best

14 YOUR TURN! 8. When Franklin was alive, Eleanor made (many) trips than he did. more

15 YOUR TURN! 9. Being affected by polio was one of the (bad) personal problems Franklin faced. worst

16 YOUR TURN! 10. Eleanor worked to help people who had (little) power and influence than she had. less

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