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IETF57 Mobility for IPv6 (MIP6) BoF IETF57 July 16 th, 2003 0900 to 1130 hours Vienna, Austria.

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Presentation on theme: "IETF57 Mobility for IPv6 (MIP6) BoF IETF57 July 16 th, 2003 0900 to 1130 hours Vienna, Austria."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIP6 @ IETF57 Mobility for IPv6 (MIP6) BoF IETF57 July 16 th, 2003 0900 to 1130 hours Vienna, Austria

2 MIP6 @ IETF57 Agenda (1 of 2) 1.Intro/Agenda/Tahi Test suite update5 Mins 2.Charter Discussion10 Mins Chairs 3.Thoughts on bootstrapping a Mobile node securely15 Mins Chairs 4.Alternate HA-MN Signaling Security Ideas 20 Mins Jari Arkko/Charles Perkins 5.Multiple Care-of Address Registration on Mobile IPv6 10 Mins draft-wakikawa-mip6-multiplecoa-01.txt Ryuji Wakikawa

3 MIP6 @ IETF57 Agenda (2 of 2) 6.Extension to Advanced Socket API for Mobile IPv610 Mins draft-chakrabarti-mobileip-mipext-advapi-01.txt Samita Chakrabarti 7.Backbone interoperability testing 10 Mins Samita C. / Philippe Cousin 8.Next Steps 10 Mins Chairs And if time permits at the end of this BoF we will discuss draft-chen-mobileip-packet-fitlering-xc-01.txt Xiaobao Chen

4 MIP6 @ IETF57 WG mailing list To sign up: List specific commands (subscribe, who, etc) should be sent to the *- request address for the particular list, e.g. for the 'mailman' list, use 'mailman-request@...'.

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