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TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation EPAN/TUNED social dialogue mobility in civil service What does it mean? What does.

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1 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation EPAN/TUNED social dialogue mobility in civil service What does it mean? What does it mean for civil service trade unions and social dialogue ? Conclusions 29 May 2006, Vienna

2 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation Mobility, what does it mean? 2006 European year of mobility includes geographical and occupational mobility EU citizens associate Europe with the right to travel and work abroad – love as key driver and quality public services not far behind! Universal right based on workers ’ equal treatment principle Social and environmental meanings too!

3 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation What does it mean for civil servants? Context of decentralisation (“forced” mobility, outsourcing and privatisation) and Europeanisation (internal market of services). Alignment of civil service status to that of “employees/workers” and public expenditure containment or cuts Civil servants have often proved highly mobile (e.g. Germany’s unification) Obstacle-removal approach and proactive global approach TUNED survey….

4 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation TUNED- Nationality  Ban on discrimination based on nationality : fundamental right and irrelevant to competence Support for application of Treaty and ECJ ruling- reserved posts to be justified and limited and social dialogue on case by case approach Discrimination EU vs Non-EU nationals (UK) workers’ information & consultation rights (Sweden, Lithuania, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg) Low impact on numbers of mobile civil servants High impact on structure of public administration (special concern for career civil service, functional test over organic civil service)

5 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation TUNED – recognition of experience and qualifications Outside EU directives on regulated professions Transparency of procedure and equal opportunities and treatment Recognition of professional experience, competences,qualifications, seniority in the absence of the diploma required: safeguards are needed (reversed discrimination) Impact on recruitment and wage system Keeping the collective glue Common guidelines on recognition?

6 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation TUNED & occupational mobility other side of the same coin Sectoral social dialogue on training and lifelong competences in many countries (central in Dk) Anticipation of competence and skill needs Intra-civil service /public service mobility - lifelong approach Equality aspects: Gender, intergenerational, occupational : the “trained” get more training EU reference points for TUNED/EPAN cooperation European framework of actions on lifelong competences and qualifications: European Qualification Framework

7 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation TUNED and social security central obstacle to geog. mobility (after Babel tower) Prime objective is to preserve the rights of mobile workers both in and between countries (Tupe regulations) Civil servants schemes covered by 1606/98/ regulation: legal step but unsolved technical issues Link with EU directive on supplementary pension rights Joint analysis ?

8 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation Conclusions (i) Role of European and national sectoral social dialogue Transparency and equal treatment: recruitment, training, job advertisement EURES, future European Employment Agency? Negotiated and voluntary mobility impact on wages, job classification Proactive role of administrations as employers – more than 25 M. employees- and guarantor of the general interest Administrative cooperation and capacity (2% earmarking of European Social Fund for SD)

9 TUNED - Trade Unions’ National and European Administration Delegation Conclusions (ii)  EU mobility framework inc social security and workers’ rights “Gunstigkeitsprinzip” Broader context of mobility, geog. mobility not an end in itself, continuity of administrative system  Balance between mobility and investment in local sustainable communities – quality public services Beware of the tail that wags the dog!

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