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Welcome Back! Let’s Get to More Great Math! New Unit: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Learning Target: I will conduct an experiment and compare the amount of variation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Let’s Get to More Great Math! New Unit: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Learning Target: I will conduct an experiment and compare the amount of variation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Let’s Get to More Great Math! New Unit: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Learning Target: I will conduct an experiment and compare the amount of variation in a small number of trials versus a large number of trials. HW: Complete the WDYE Investigation 1 Pg.3 and Correct with the Zaption video: WDYE 1.1 Warm Up: 1) Review your MSA Unit Test, 2) Complete the MSA Cover Sheet, including what kinds of mistakes you made and whether you plan to do a retake. (Retake available this THURSDAY, 2/25)

2 Probabilities can help you make decisions. If there is a 75% chance of rain, you might decide to use an umbrella. Probabilities can also help you to predict what will happen over the long run. If the Seahawks have made it to the Super Bowl twice in the past three years, what is the probability that they will get there again next year?

3 What Do You Expect?



6 Test your prediction: 1) Toss a coin up to 25 times. 2) Record your results in the table on p. 3 of WDYE Investigation 1. 3) Record the fraction and find the percept of heads BEFORE going on to the next toss. Answer A: As you add more data, what happens to the percent of tosses that are heads? As more data is added, the percent of tosses that are heads gets closer to 50% or ½. Answer:

7 1. What percent of the total number of tosses for our whole class is heads? 2. As our class adds more data, what happens to the percent of tosses that are heads? B. Working with the class, let’s record the results of 10 tosses from each groups. As more data is added, the percent of tosses that are heads gets closer to 50% or ½.

8 Kalvin should have Cocoa Blast about ½ the time, or about 15 of the 31 days in July. (50% of the time) C. Based on what you found for June, how many times do you expect Kalvin to eat Cocoa Blast in July? Explain your reasoning. D. Kalvin’s mother tells him the chance of a coin showing heads when he tosses it is ½. Does this mean that every time he tosses a coin twice, he will get one head and one tail? Explain.

9 New Unit: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Did I reach my learning Target: I will conduct an experiment and compare the amount of variation in a small number of trials versus a large number of trials. HW: Complete the WDYE Investigation 1 Pg.3 and Correct with the Zaption video: WDYE 1.1



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