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Budget Information December 1, 2011. Areas Where I Need More Information RequestDepartmentTime Required 1. SOL High School Results differentiated by high.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Information December 1, 2011. Areas Where I Need More Information RequestDepartmentTime Required 1. SOL High School Results differentiated by high."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Information December 1, 2011

2 Areas Where I Need More Information RequestDepartmentTime Required 1. SOL High School Results differentiated by high schoolDART Available on School Report Cards 2. Why are 2010 -2011 HS results down by 5% or more for Black and Hispanic subgroups? DART and InstructionNA 3. Number of study halls and number of students in each study hall at the HS level at each school for 2008 – 2009, 2009 -2010, 2010-2011. DART and InstructionDone 4. Current 1 st semester enrollments in World LanguagesDARTDone – Class size report 5. Enrollments in electives by school, both those electives within and outside CORE areas, e.g. Psychology, Philosophy, Statistics, etc. as well as CTE, Health/PE, Fine and Performing Arts, etc. with data spanning the two years before 8-period day and the two years into the 8 period day. DART – No building level verification will be available on any data other than the current year 4 – hours 6. The schools that do not have kilns and projected costs to reach universal access – elementary as well, can this be covered in CIP InstructionNA 7. Frequency distribution of AP enrollments across grade levels by teacher. (Please do not provide blatantly identifying names) DART – Teachers will be easily identifiable 1 -hour

3 Areas Where I Need More Information RequestDepartmentTime Required 8. Staffing needs and concomitant costs for 5/8 vs. 6/8 staffing at the secondary level (6-12) with no increase in class size over the current class size parameters (Lesser Load Approach) Fiscal ServicesMore than 30 minutes 9. The effect on class size if secondary (6-12) schools were organized around 5/8 staffing with no change in current FTE staffing allotments at the secondary level (Constant Cost Approach) Fiscal ServicesMore than 30 minutes 10. Equity between high school and other levels (Need more information for request ) Instruction 11. Bus Replacement CycleOperationsNA 12. High School Staffing (Need more information for request) Instruction and Fiscal Services 13. Number of students per teacher per high school for the following school years: 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 (Show individual rows for each teacher but mask the names) DART – – No building level verification will be available on any data other than the current year 4 hours 14. Pass rates for World Languages from 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 (STAMP data or actual grades) Instruction and DARTNA

4 Areas Where I Need More Information RequestDepartmentTime Required 15. List of elective offerings for each high school for the following school years: 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010- 2011 Instruction Done – Information exists in Program of Studies 16. Acceptance counts by each college and university at each high school for the following school years: 2008- 2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011. Qualify the data by individual student (one student can gain multiple acceptances…note where this is the case) High School Guidance Counselors 4 hours or more – Checking on availability and accuracy of the data 17. Dual Enrollment CTE course offerings by each high school InstructionNA 18. Counts of students who are in 8 Honors/AP/Dual Enrollment courses (Need more information for the request) DART1 Hour 19. Budget Preparation, Table 2, show three separate years of data (Clarification – Which table?) 20. Implications of expanding World Languages (Need more information for this request) Instruction 21. Do we differentiate funding for LEP by Level 1 and 2? If not would this be an area for savings (Clarification) InstructionNA

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