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Communication Plan: Starbucks Franchise Devon Felton AET 560 Dr. Renee Green January 2, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Plan: Starbucks Franchise Devon Felton AET 560 Dr. Renee Green January 2, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Plan: Starbucks Franchise Devon Felton AET 560 Dr. Renee Green January 2, 2014

2 Agenda How the plan will help the organization Launching the Communication Plan Technology needed Effectiveness of the plan Management’s response Generating feedback Addressing negative responses or feedback

3 Why a Communication Plan Preapproval Phase Developing the Need for Change Phase Midstream Change Phase Confirming the Change Phase Communication plans to sell top management Communication plans to explain the need for change, provide a rationale, reassure employees, and clarify the steps in the change process Communication plans to inform people of progress and to obtain feedback on attitudes and issues, to challenge any misconceptions, and to clarify new organizational roles, structures, and systems Communication plans to inform employees of the success, to celebrate the change, and to prepare the organization for the next change Table retrieved from page 320 of Organizational Change

4 Launching the plan

5 Technology Needed google images Computers Website Email database Website Managers Survey builder

6 How do we know if the plan is working?

7 Management’s Response Image retrieved from: Some of the emotions people ma feel in response to change…

8 Managing Negativity

9 Generating

10 Conclusion

11 References Aisha, T. (2015). Let's Chick Chat. Retrieved from negativity-made-me-happy/ negativity-made-me-happy/ AIT. (2007-2008). Retrieved from book/conclusion.html#.VKZFdCvF8yc book/conclusion.html#.VKZFdCvF8yc Balle, L. (2015). Small Business. Retrieved from Cawsey, T., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2012). Organizational change (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection Database.

12 References (continued) CommunicationPlan. (n.d.). Retrieved from plan-template.html Print and Copy Factory Corporation. (n.d.). Your Marketing Resource Center. Retrieved from generating-customer-reviews/ Slideshare. (2014). Ensure network migration success with Change Management [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from hardwick.

13 References (continued) Wikimedia Commons. (n.d.). Retrieved from e_New_Student's_Reference_Work.svg

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