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Infrastructure and Tourism Development Concrete Projects and Opportunities Marjan Hribar, M.Sc. Director General Directorate for tourism Ohrid, April 20-21,

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Presentation on theme: "Infrastructure and Tourism Development Concrete Projects and Opportunities Marjan Hribar, M.Sc. Director General Directorate for tourism Ohrid, April 20-21,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrastructure and Tourism Development Concrete Projects and Opportunities Marjan Hribar, M.Sc. Director General Directorate for tourism Ohrid, April 20-21, 2007 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY

2 Slovenian experiences  Examples:  Bled, Bohinj etc. – world known destinations  Other less known and still undiscovered destinations – but good developed and with excellent services  European tourist trends and Slovenia  Development Plan and Policies of Slovene Tourism 2007-2011  Strategic objectives (quantitative and qualitative)  Policies / measures / activities  Strategic goals of Slovene tourism – main directions  Guidelines  Slovenian experiences and Macedonia REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY

3 Directions, opinions,… Value for Macedonia  The infrastructure (hotels, roads,…) in the strategic tourist destinations in Macedonia  “The moment of true”  Story – to attract the tourists  AIDA – awareness, interest, desire, attention  Cultural and historical sites …. What to do to make them atractive?  Promotion of Macedonia (in the neighbourhood and worldwide) REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY

4 Development of the tourist products  Mountain tourism in Macedonia (vs. Slovenian experiences and world trends)  Dojran Lake / after the catastrophic ecological phenomenon / and ater return in the previous condition  Prespa Lake  National Park Pelister REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY

5 Eco tourism  Experiences in Slovenia (raising the awareness, EU flower and other standards, …)  Sustainability  follow the UNWTO guidelines REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY

6 Macedonia – tourist destinations for the tourists from Slovenia  2006: 8.000 arrivals, 18.000 overnight stays  2006/2005: arrivals = index 94 overnight stays = 102  2007/2006 (jan-feb): arrivals = 135 overnight stays = 156  Macedonia – as tourist country?  Macedonia as tourist country for Slovenian?  Investments in Macedonia - tourism? REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF THE ECONOMY


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