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Expert workshop on biodiversity indicators (3-5 June 2013 Tirana, Albania) Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Republic of Macedonia National.

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Presentation on theme: "Expert workshop on biodiversity indicators (3-5 June 2013 Tirana, Albania) Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Republic of Macedonia National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expert workshop on biodiversity indicators (3-5 June 2013 Tirana, Albania) Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Republic of Macedonia National experience with biodiversity indicators in the Republic of Macedonia Robertina Brajanoska, National consultant for coordination of NBSAP

2 Background Obligations of the Republic of Macedonia related to biodiversity conservation and indicators development: - country Party to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD); - EEA cooperating country (since 1997); - candidate country for EU accession; - national obligations related to conservation of biodiversity and possibilities for sustainable use of natural resources.

3 Institutional framework Responsible governmental institution for biodiversity conservation and management - Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Stakeholders: other ministries, scientific institutions, other public institutions, NGOs, National Committee for Biodiversity, etc. EEA Nfp - Macedonian Environmental Information centre (within MoEPP)

4 Legal framework Law on Environment (article 45 stipulates obligation for preparation of the state of environment report every 3 years based on the set of environmental indicators) Law on Nature Protection (article 154 refers to obligation for ‘measuring, monitoring, assessment and control of the status of the species, their habitats, types of habitats, environmentally important areas, ecosystems and landscape types’)

5 Milestones 2004 - First annual report on development of national biodiversity indicators prepared 2005 - West Balkan countries workshop on biodiversity indicators organized (UNEP, ECNC) 2007 – 12 working groups for development of national core set of indicators established 2008 – 40 National environmental indicators adopted (including 3 biodiversity indicators) 2010 - State of Environment report prepared

6 Developed indicators 1.MK-NI-007 Endangered and protected species 2.MK-NI-008 Protected/designated areas 3.MK-NI-009 Diversity of species 4.Livestock breeds (genetic diversity and threat status) fact sheet prepared in 2008

7 MK-NI-007 Endangered and protected species Sub indicators: - endemic and threatened higher plants, - threatened fungi species, - endemic and threatened vertebrate species, - Emerald species

8 MK-NI-008 Protected/designated areas Sub indicators: - number and size of national protected areas - % of individual categories of designated areas in the total protected area - number of internationaly designated areas


10 MK-NI-009 Diversity of species Sub indicator: Trends in population number of Griffon and Egyptian vulture (in pairs)

11 Proposals for future steps  Identification of existing sectoral indicators related to biodiversity  Development of National set of biodiversity indicators  Development of indicators as part of the NBSAP revision process  Preparation of National monitoring programme  Harmonization of the approaches to indicators and monitoring programmes development with other West Balkans and European countries

12 Thank you for your attention Robertina Brajanoska

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