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Feb. 8 In your journals: How do you perceive yourself? Agenda: Concentric Circles Checking out perceptions Checking out assumptions Group Discussion: I.

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Presentation on theme: "Feb. 8 In your journals: How do you perceive yourself? Agenda: Concentric Circles Checking out perceptions Checking out assumptions Group Discussion: I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feb. 8 In your journals: How do you perceive yourself? Agenda: Concentric Circles Checking out perceptions Checking out assumptions Group Discussion: I time when I was wrong about someone. If you were absent Friday, journals were turned in. Please do for a complete grade.

2 Concentric Circles We will make a large circle outside and a second circle inside facing each other You will have 45 seconds to share with their partners their responses to a question you will pose. Everyone will speak simultaneously. Outside partners will speak first. When you are done, the outside person will move one space to the right.

3 Question 1 What is the neighborhood like that you grew up in. Where was it? What did it look like? What was something you liked about growing up there?

4 Question 2 What is the best present you ever received? Why was it special?

5 Question 3 What’s the one thing you really dislike about school? What’s one thing you really like?

6 Question 4 What do you think makes life hard on kids today?

7 Question 5 What makes a good friend?

8 Question 6 What is something special that’s been passed down in your family (a story, an object, an event or tradition

9 Question 7 Who is the most interesting adult outside your family that you’ve ever known?

10 Question 8 What is one thing your parents do or say that you don’t ever want to do or say?

11 Question 9 If you became a parent, what is one thing you’d want to teach your children?

12 Question 10 What troubles you most about the world we live in today?

13 Group Discussion I time when I was wrong about someone….

14 1MraE 1MraE

15 Perception “Perception refers to the interpretation of what we take in through our senses. In terms of optical illusions this means our eyes.” Simply put, our brains are tricked into seeing something which may or may not be real.

16 Perceptions Process and Stereotypes PERCEPTION The procedure by which we try to gather and interpret information about the environment that surrounds us

17 Perceptions Process and Stereotypes Feedback about ourselves and others Not always based on true picture of reality We behave as though our perceptions are real The Perception Process

18 Factors that Influence Perception  Backgrounds and Surroundings our surroundings at the moment of perception will affect our perceptions  The Perceiver we each bring unique experiences and personal points of view to each situation

19 The mind forms shapes that don't exist

20 Perceptions Process and Stereotypes


22 Munker-White

23 Perceptions Process and Stereotypes

24 Einstein or Monroe (near sighted?)


26 Parallel Lines?

27 Embedded Images


29 2 dimensional chalk drawing

30 What do you see?

31 Old Woman or Young Girl?

32 32Organizational Behavior / Perception

33 Man/Woman

34 What do you see?


36 Shimmer

37 Any movement you see is an illusion!


39 Straight Lines?

40 Hermann Grid White or Black Dots?

41 Fraser Spiral

42 One more… Perspective is evoked in this image by the pattern, and the lines on the wall which converge on to a common point in the distance. &

43 Same length?

44 Visual Cliff https://www.youtub zmvI6iMrEhttps://www.youtub zmvI6iMrE Are we born with perception or are there things that shape us?

45 Perception Cards Groups of Three Each in group will receive a word On a blank piece of paper without the others in group seeing your word, write down the definition of the word on your paper. Without showing the group your word, tell them your definition and see if they can guess the word. Each one of you will do this

46 The purpose To see how our perceptions vary Was it difficult figuring out the words? Why/why not?

47 Check it Out Pair up with someone you do not know well. Silently, guess the answers to the questions on the left of the worksheet Then fill in the real answers after asking them of your partner.

48 How did you feel? Uncomfortable about other students making assumptions? What is an assumption?

49 Assumption Quick predictions and automatic judgments we make based on what we believe to be true rather than what we actually know or have observed

50 Making Assumptions: My Temple Story

51 In Journals I used to think…then I discovered…..

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