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Development of A Tool for Calculating Flexibility Development of A Tool for Calculating Flexibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of A Tool for Calculating Flexibility Development of A Tool for Calculating Flexibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of A Tool for Calculating Flexibility Development of A Tool for Calculating Flexibility

2 Contents Industrial Engineering project ( l ) 1. New Approaches 2. Analysis of Factors 3. Classification of Factors Making Categories 4. Determination of Formula 5. Determination of Weights 6. Our plan

3 New Focuses 1. New Approaches Re-classification of Category Finding categories considering actual constraint Analysis of influential factors Determine weights of each category proportionally to importance of required factors that is needed to change the process Industrial Engineering project ( l )

4 2. Analysis of Factors Influential factor to product flexibility Industrial Engineering project ( l ) Manufacturing cost Process changing cost Appearance feature The parts of product Life cycle Expected demands Assembly process The degree of difficulty of assembly Tools and machines The quality level The kinds of product Function Technology level

5 main categories 3. Classification of Factors Industrial Engineering project ( l ) Environmental flexibility Tools and machines Assembly process Manufacturing Flexibility The parts of product The degree of difficulty of assembly External features Market flexibility Life cycle Expected demands Functional flexibility The quality level The kinds of product Function Technology level Cost flexibility Process changing cost Manufacturing cost

6 Industrial Engineering project ( l ) - Total Score - Main Category Score Development of linear model 4. Determination of Formula - Sub-category Score Product flexibility ABCDE A1A1 A2A2 A3A3

7 Factors should be considered 5. Determination of Weights How much cost, time and effort should be taken to change the process? These factors will be the device to proportionally determine the weights! Industrial Engineering project ( l ) Cost TimeEffort

8 Environmental flexibility 7.0 5.0 Manufacturing Flexibility 6.7 9.0 8.3 Score of each Main category 5. Determination of Weights Market flexibility 5.3 7.0 5.7 cost time effort

9 Functional flexibility 8.7 7.7 6.7 Cost flexibility 7.7 1.3 1.7 5. Determination of Weights Env.Mau.Mar.Fun.Cos. Score17. Rank41325 Score of each Main category

10 Development of relative importance matrix 5. Determination of Weights Industrial Engineering project ( l ) Env.Manu.Mar.Fun.Cost Env. 1.000.710.940.741.59 Manu. 1.411.001.331.042.25 Mar. 1.060.751.000.781.69 Fun. 1.350.961.281.002.16 Cost 0.630.440.590.461.00 Env.Manu.Mar.Fun.Cost Weight Calculated weights (AHP)

11 The way we should go 6. Our Plan More detailed sub-category Each sub-category should be calculated in the same way of main category. Develop the states. Assign the score of each states. Industrial Engineering project ( l ) Product flexibility ABCDE A1A1 A2A2 A3A3

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