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Basic Facts St. Matthew was probably born sometime year 1 A.D. Matthew was a native of Cana. He was a tax collector in Capernaum. Jesus was traveling.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Facts St. Matthew was probably born sometime year 1 A.D. Matthew was a native of Cana. He was a tax collector in Capernaum. Jesus was traveling."— Presentation transcript:


2 Basic Facts St. Matthew was probably born sometime year 1 A.D. Matthew was a native of Cana. He was a tax collector in Capernaum. Jesus was traveling on the Mediterranean Damascus road when he came upon Matthew who was stationed there in his inglorious pursuit. Jesus said “Follow me”. He became an Apostle of Jesus

3 Life and Death The last written statement about St. Matthew was at the Pentecost. It is unknown whether he is the Evangelist, but he most likely is. His death varies, he was either a martyr or died of natural causes. How ever he died, his life was still great.

4 Map I put a map of where Jesus went because he was an Apostle. Before that he lived in Cana and Capernaum, Rome.

5 Obstacles Among the Jews Christians were more infamous and odious, because this nation looked upon them as enemies to their privilege of natural freedom which God had given them, and as persons defiled by their frequent conversation and dealing with the pagans, and as conspiring with the Romans to entail slavery upon their countrymen. So St. Matthew had to deal with being disliked and frowned upon.

6 Canonization As the formal process of canonization did not begin until the time of Pope Gregory IX in the thirteenth century, none of the Apostles were officially canonized. Yet evidence was determined which leaves no doubt the twelve who followed Jesus were saints, especially those who gave their lives for teaching his truth.

7 Whose Patron is St. Matthew? " Patron saint of accountants, bankers, bookkeepers, customs officers, financial officers, guards, money managers, Salerno, Italy, security forces, security guards, stock brokers, tax collectors, Trier, and Germany Symbols of St. Matthew " angel holding a pen or inkwell " bag of coins " halberd " inkwell " king " lance " man holding money " money bag " money box " purse " spear " sword " winged man " young man Saint of the day for 9/20/14 and 9/22/14 His Feast day is September 21.

8 Qualities I like how St. Matthew was able to drop everything for Jesus. He had so much love and belief for God that he total converted and spent the rest of his life for God.

9 4 Things to Remember! 1. St. Matthew changed his whole life for God. 2. St. Matthew was an Apostle, he was mocked and frowned upon, but he did it for God. 3.Anyone can follow his example and convert. 4. God sees good in anyone, even a tax collector.

10 St. Matthew Prayer God of mercy, You chose a tax collector, St. Matthew, to share the dignity of the apostles. By his example and prayers, help us to follow Christ and remain faithful in Your service. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

11 Biography 145

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