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Chapter 4 review Patterns of Heredity Who is the father of Heredity? Gregor Mendel.

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2 Chapter 4 review Patterns of Heredity

3 Who is the father of Heredity? Gregor Mendel

4 What type of plants did Mendle work with? Pea Plants

5 What do genes tell us? Our inherited traits

6 What are alleles? The various forms of the same gene.

7 What is a phenotype? It describes the actual characteristics that can be observed - like height.

8 What is a genotype? Is the name of the genes an organism has.

9 When do dominate or recessive genes show up? Dominant traits are expressed even if only one copy of the allele codes for them. (Dd) If a trait is recessive, it is expressed only if both alleles code for it (dd).

10 What is it called when a gamete for each parent combines to form a new cell? Sexual reproduction

11 If an allele is expressed at Dd is it dominate or recessive? dominate

12 What does a Punnet Square show? It is a representation of how alleles might combine

13 What are the chances that a human offspring will have an XY genotype? 50% or a ratio of 1:2

14 How many chromosomes do you have? 46

15 If a 2n human cell has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes does a male gamate have? 23

16 My holiday gift to you… No, not an ipod No, not a iphone Yes, a take home test!

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