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Supporting and Developing ICT as a Teaching and Learning Resource Day Three Tutor: Emma Hallinan Assistant Tutor: Shakira Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting and Developing ICT as a Teaching and Learning Resource Day Three Tutor: Emma Hallinan Assistant Tutor: Shakira Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting and Developing ICT as a Teaching and Learning Resource Day Three Tutor: Emma Hallinan Assistant Tutor: Shakira Kelly

2 09.30: Roll, Layout of the Day 09.45:The IWB/Digital Projector and useful links 11.30: Break 12.00: The IWB/Digital Projector and useful links 14.00: Finish – Merry Monk Layout of Day Three

3 WIKI Workspace

4 Aims of Day Three “It’s not what happens on the board. It’s about what happens because of what happens on the board” Betcher 2009 Participants will be introduced to the dialogic teaching approach. This involves the teacher and pupils working together to explore and share ideas, generate questions, make reasoning clear and build on the ideas of others. The importance of getting children involved with the IWB Classroom examples of the dialogic teaching approach in action. Explore IWB websites and how they can be used in your teaching.

5 The IWB and Interactive Teaching and Learning An IWB is not an IWB if it is not used correctly. A badly used IWB is little more than an expensive electronic blackboard. It will simply be used as projector with no interactive elements. In order of an IWB lesson to be effective the children must be involved otherwise the potential interactivity will be lost. Steer clear from “sage on stage” didactic approach (teacher lead, teacher control lessons) and get children involved. We need to get INTERACTIVE.

6 The IWB and Interactive Teaching and Learning – A Dialogic Approach Children can uses these boards interactively – develop knowledge. Encourages dialogue between students and teacher It allows exploration of ideas, sharing work and making reasoning. Building on ideas of others, speaking for more extended length of time. The role of the teacher is important to get students to think more deeply. When they are used correctly students and teachers can have a much closer relationship. Learning becomes a socially constructed collaborative experience and children have fun!

7 Managing your Classroom for the IWB – Involving students Small groups for different lessons Creating games that can be played on the IWB Using the IWB as a whole class lesson for games, resource to supplement the learning, stimulus to introducing topic or as a revision tool. Aid differentiation – one small group does activity on the IWB Presentations – Powerpoint, demonstrations Challenge children’s learning – games, quizzes, competitions – children work in pairs or individually.

8 The IWB Interactive Teaching and Learning Video Videos of the projector – wireless mouse and keyboard Videos of the projector IWB Support -

9 Station teaching and the IWB This focuses on the opportunities to share ideas with peers and create knowledge, and create resulting in collaborative work. Ready made lessons on the internet (we will explore these later) Teachnet project. - iwb/ iwb/ Station Teaching Video

10 Countdown

11 Site 1: i-board activities are open ended, highly visual resources for learning dialogues. Free to use Great to use for the dialogic teaching approach. They are more suited for Junior Infants to 2 nd class. They are simple enough for children to use independently. Work great for building on ideas. Example: using-the-iwb Have a look at iboard and explore some potential lessons that children could interact with in pairs.

12 Site 2: Interactive Timer – sometimes I use this between lessons to get children ready for work. Arcade Game Generator Fruit Machine Activity: Can be used to select different children for activities or as revision for their spellings. Type in spellings. 2 teams – A and B. A child from team A comes forward. Someone is the “fruit machine master” and spins. A word is revealed. Team A have to give 3 clues to their volunteer to guess the word and get a point. After the “fruit machine master” removes the word and spins for team B etc. Task: Create an activity and save it

13 Site 3: Site 3: Take the line for a Walk Looking and Responding - Paul Klee Program: Paint (already installed on Windows) Simply use the black brush to draw using the stylus or your finger Use the bucket to fill in colour Save as a jpeg in a folder.


15 Using the IWB 2 groups Explore the IWB software – font, text, etc, keyboard etc. – eBeam training/help (Irish made resources - Register) You can download Smart V9 software and use with any IWB for free (see wiki)

16 Don’t Forget You can use an Interactive CD with the IWB also e.g. – My Spelling workbook interactive CD

17 Create your own IWB Pages/Templates Homework Journal Handwriting Template/backgrounds Copy Pages Quizzes Remember there are already 1,000s of ready made lessons online...................

18 Other Sites – IWB Resources IWB Resources – A full list of IWB Sites is available for download on the Wiki. Go to the Website section in the navigation panel. You can download these (right click and “save target as” to your required folder. Task: Look at the list of IWB resources in groups of 3. Evaluate 3 sites that you feel could benefit your teaching next year when using the IWB. After exploring the site present the IWB site to the group.

19 IWB Guides Teaching Interactively with Electronic Whiteboards in the Primary Phase (BECTA) Getting the most from your interactive whiteboard – A Guide for primary Schools (BECTA ICT Advice) foi/archived_publications/getting_most_whiteboard_primar y.pdf foi/archived_publications/getting_most_whiteboard_primar y.pdf You can use and interactive whiteboard Ages 7 – 11, Julie Cogill, Scholastic Publication. 11-Can/dp/0439965403 11-Can/dp/0439965403

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